Mick Hanson

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I have 19 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 25923 times and 7 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Mick Hanson's picture
freda karno

My stories


Darkest Yorkshire Chapter Two

The Moors looked despondent and menacing, banks of darkness encompassing the town like a malevolent archangel.


The whistles are terrible at dawn. They summon the start of yet another day of slaughter. Often I lay among the broken sandbags in the bottom of the trench just simply aching with fatigue.

The Weight of the City

He knew the river as one does finally a friend; knew it when it was black, guarding at night time all the lights of London in its depths, and seeming in its vast silence...

Dancing with a Tiger

It was a Sunday morning, wet and cheerless. Along the street the merriment of the church bell of ‘The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary’ ding donged its way to 5am.

The Black Caiman

Sure enough when he went to the oven, there on a low light was his favourite, tripe and onions.
