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I have 53 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 37640 times and 13 of my stories have been cherry picked.

MistressDistress's picture

My stories

Everything Is Wrong About This

Imagine you and I are dead. No- listen- as ghosts We can no longer hurt each other's Hearts. See? So there we are In grey purgatory. Opposite sides of a Table. Sitting. Waiting. Even here

If I Knew Who I Was I Would Tell You

Does anyone really know who they are?

Today I Looked In The Mirror

I wake in the darkness of early morning Brush away the clinging gossamer of sleep In the quiet which feels as though no-one Has ever touched it, stirred its gentle air.

Five-Foot Girl In A Six-Foot World

I’m five feet and two inches tall It’s really not that much at all In fact, I think I’m rather small- At least it’s not so far to fall. Some say cute, others ‘petite,’

He Begs Forgiveness

He Begs Forgiveness Someone I tore from my life like an insect from my skin left behind a sting relying on my enduring nature to bury his bullet-words in the sand
