Mr So an So

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I have 4 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 833 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Mr So an So's picture


My collections

My stories


Loud Mouth Up A Ladder

In the 90s I used to go clubbing ....a lot. So much so some dates times events all blur into one and it's really difficult to remember who what where...

I sit and watch

I love to sit and watch.... I watch the decorations being hung - I watch, I'm never asked, my opinion does not matter she is the expert, not even...

Dr Dr

Unlike most I love getting cold sales calls...but now and then I do have to call ...' people ' - here is what happened today ... Mr = me R = snotty...

3 Questions

Unlike most I love getting cold sales calls - here is what happened today ... Caller - Hello Mr So n So my name is Lisa Im calling from Blarr blarr...