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I have 308 stories published in 20 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 226196 times and 71 of my stories have been cherry picked.
6 of my 232 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 6 votes

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Pab Roberts

My stories

Morning, Maydan

The muezzin hollers his song across the morning, alerting both those already alert, as well as those to be alerted, that the time is upon us. The...

Blue Haze

'Look at that blue, Peter. The sky and the sea are the exact same calm, blue …Heaven!’ The car turned the bend into the ferry-port and Peter joined...

Rumbled Block Paving

The cat lies dreaming 'mongst the moss on a driveway leeching petrichor tendrils to tingle a rust-pimple on the aged exhaust pipe of the exhausted...

Along a Road

I drive along an early morning road, a busy dual Acheron that snakes quickly into town. Ahead, a black bin bag. No, it's possiblity something more...

The Greatest Feast Day of them All

‘And he’s going to have his first Christmas. I don’t know if I should get him something, or something by proxy for James and Marie, since Adam might...
