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I have 308 stories published in 20 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 226196 times and 71 of my stories have been cherry picked.
6 of my 232 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 6 votes

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Pab Roberts

My stories


The Day That I Went Blind

The day that I went blind, the Ochills blurred magnificently before me, with tears running down my cheeks. I remember the road signs on the M90 as...

Seeing the Doctor for the First Time

The doctor, black bosomed, sharp of eye Blushes behind clipboard, poised, Steadying her gaze 'I know your sister, Julie,' I say '...she was in my...

Honey Froyo

'Smooth, darling! Like you've just been eating honey froyo?' I throw my eyes in his direction, killer intent is not hard to conjure. Alex clicks away...

Lager, Lager, Lager. Mega, Mega...

'Excuse me, I don't wish to interfere, But the lady in the stripey sweater Just gone and legged it with a crate of beer I thought that to tell you...

The Fallen (excerpt)

A wheel spins on the horizontal, slowing to stillness in the frigid hall. Books lie scattered. His fingertips trace the outline of a decorative...
