Parson Thru

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I have 1411 stories published in 11 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2145067 times and 538 of my stories have been cherry picked.
208 of my 5,385 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 221 votes

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Modern life

Modern life - reinforced concrete standards - cream-grey, rough-cast - been there since the War Exposed parts - steel forged in Sheffield Corby or...

Camino 16a – 3 October 2014

Santiago: Botafumeiro We’d been promising ourselves a meal in Santiago if and when we made it. The thought had kept us going for days – echoes of...

Camino 15b – 3 October 2014

Pedrouzo to Santiago – Part 2 Gradually, we came into the suburbs of Santiago. Swinging left at the foot of Monte del Gozo brought us alongside the...

Camino 15a – 3 October 2014

Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela N’s alarm sounded in the darkness. I should have been feeling a little hung-over after the previous night’s...


She was a driver on the Metro. Dark skin, long black hair and eyes like hot coals. A single look revealed our synchronicity. We walked up to the...
