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I have 26 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 28075 times and 18 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 10 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

paul_a's picture
Paul Attmere


My stories



Through the sky My own current cuts Red Like paint from a lunatic's brush. I am in the midst A mist Of greens and blues. Below, the land I have...


Over fifty years I reach for you from The high end of a piano keyboard. I Walk my fingers Towards you in a minor key. I pause a little on ebony and...

Just Add Egg

As prescribed by Ernest Dichter in 1952: Just add egg To the ready-made cake mix. No fuss. Do it yourself. A contemporary twist? Select free range,...

Letters from a Pond in Lithuania

Into the pond I toss them: a handful of torn up bits of paper marked with ink. It is a gesture like scattering seed. The first utterance, The last...

Before the Fall

You use the kind of ink that never dries.
