Change yourself P K Routray Change Yourself According to the Environment, Thus goes the saying, so profound and so brilliant. If you try to change the environment single-handedly,
Do Not Be Jealous P K Routray Jealousy is one of the six deadly sins for human beings, Unlike other five to you it immediately and silently brings all sufferings.
Endure What Cannot Be Cured P K Routray Follow “Endure what cannot be cured” as the divine message, This is the best way to turn a disadvantage into an advantage...
CRAVING FOR RECOGNITION P K Routray Though the recognition generates motivation and inspiration, but its absence and criticism cause pains and frustration. We generally crave for name and fame,
Poem and pride P K Routray There is a contest for a theme of a poem or many poems, of which I am most proud as I would claim. I have to produce or reproduce a poem, of which I am most proud,