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I have 23 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 11450 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

poet_hawtin's picture
Thomas Hawtin

My stories

To His Bold Mistress

Come into my room and let us fuck like lizards, let us fuck like they did before the world was made; inventing and reinventing our bodies, redrawing the blueprints in bed sheets and candle wax,

Birthday Wishes

A drink to your health and beauty as I lose myself, once again, in a glass filled with as much wine as it will hold. From glass to bottle, bottle to bottle, unheard. Your ears awash

Love's Young Brother

It’s so sad to think of the bother we had put ourselves through to keep our raft afloat, to keep our fling in motion, to keep Love’s young brother alive, like some twisted Frankenfucker,

Mad Dog Revival

Every time I see you it tears me apart like a mad dog-sans-muzzle because I know that “Goodbye” has to be said, and saying “Goodbye” seems to misplace pieces of heart,
