Propaganda! Unprecedented! Surreal!
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 802 reads
What a week It’s been! That’s an understatement!! All that is happening now is stranger than fiction, if anyone had said, last year, that in March 2020 Boris Johnson would announce to the World that, “Tonight all the bars, nightclubs, theatres, restaurants, cafes and gyms will close…..” We all would have laughed in their crazy faces! And if we were told that the schools would close today and no exams would take place nor proms, we would have told another person, “They are loopy,” But that is exactly what has happened. Fair play to Boris he has saved a lot from suicide! For he has promised to, “Pay up to £2,500 for wages a month, up to 80% of people’s wages,” WOW that IS incredible. It has been an unprecedented mind-blowing week! I’ve thought of people who I know who have died many years ago, if I was to bring them back to life for a day and tell them what has happened these last past weeks, they would have said to me, “Impossible!” but we are in this surreal situation, where nothing makes sense from one day to the next.
My Son rang me tonight and said, “Louisa and I will be going shopping tomorrow to buy funeral clothes as her grandad had died,” I said, “When is the funeral?” Daniel replied, “Next week, I think.” I said to him, “Not many places with be open tomorrow, Ikea, Tkmaxx, Dunelm, most will be closed, so DON’T buy anything yet, because by then all funerals may be cancelled or it could just be the Vicar and the Body! For weddings now is just five people, this includes the Vicar!” He replied, “OK.”
This evening I’ve read about baby milk on eBay sold for £150 for one tub! How? How can people sleep at night? Clearly, they don’t fear God or Man! HullLive by Neil Shaw 19th March 2020. I’ve heard the Government will prosecute all those who flaunt the Law like this, by selling things at extortionate prices! Report by calling 020 3738 6000 or email I’ve been one of those who have been naming and shaming those who have put their prices up, they are all over Facebook and also those good citizens who have not put up their prices and even gone a step further and given masks, hand sanitisers and more free to the elderly. God Bless them.
We have been inundated with information, this week and it has intensified. This week has brought out the good and the bad in people. Or shall I say the good or the bad! Idiots have been going to the elderly homes and asking to, “Do tests for coronavirus in your home,” But they are thieves, disgusting! I saw on the telly tonight, a young Mum put a few items in a lovely paper bag including 2 tea bags, and a simple note on the outside of the bag, and this simple act of kindness let all on her street know, that “You are not alone or forgotten.”
The two people who have been forced to self-isolate and I have texted them every morning, one is OK the other has the flu and this morning I asked “How are you feeling today?” The reply, “Not very good, if feel terrible.” I asked her, “Do you want me to get you a Doctor?” She said, “There is nothing they can do.” Now I did say I’d go and visit, but we are very short Staff, I wouldn’t be doing myself or my family any favours if at this time I drove all those miles to her home and got ill! Tomorrow I plan to ask a Member of her family to go over and check up on her and to bring her some food and a drink. Difficult times we are in now.
On Facebook, there is lots of information, medical, and funny. Today I was sent a video of a woman with oxygen up her noise, she did a video of herself, telling us all just, “How ill, I am here in the intensive care unit, that, I am now ten times better than I was before, I beg you not to take any chances,” She was unable to breathe with ease and said “I struggled because of my bad lungs and because of the cigarettes I smoked,” “She begged us not to, “End up like me,” It was an awful video so see a coronavirus victim up close and personal SO ill, it was proper scary!!! I shared it with everyone in my contacts. Some replied in an instant with the words, “Sh*t.”
Then there was another video, this one was on Facebook, it was a small group of foreign women looking towards a soft closed door that was like a store room in Tesco. They were expecting the door to the storeroom to open, they stood very close to the door, like their life depended on it. Then suddenly the Tesco Staff appears and the woman franticly grabs the food from the Staff and puts it all into their baskets, not allowing anyone else to have any!!! In the background people can be heard saying not very nice things about the women.
Soon after I shared the video of the coronavirus victim, my daughter text me and said, “That is not a coronavirus victim, it’s an old video she had lung cancer.” Now the woman in hospital didn’t mention she had the virus, it was just assumed, it has been shared a lot at this time but, it is classed as a ‘fake’ video. So, I very quickly had to inform all in my contacts that she didn’t have coronavirus, we were all relieved!!!
The second video, the comments underneath wasn’t nice, but the olives I have been taking to improve my memory must be working, for as soon as I saw the video of the women in Tesco I remembered I’d seen it about two years ago and it was for reduced food, but it was giving the impression they were part of those emptying the shelves in the supermarkets now but it wasn’t true! It too was a ‘fake’ video. I told them so and my Daughter showed me how you can click on the video to get the original comments and many others also said, “This is an old video and nothing to do with the shelves empty today.”
Just two examples of people using videos to spread fear and racial tension.
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E-Bay is exploiting the
E-Bay is exploiting the coronavirus crisis. Best buy things from Amazon.
Yes, self-isolation can be boring, but there are those who compare the current coronavirus pandemic with World War Two. That is utterly ridiculous. Yes, coronavirus is no joke and people are suffering, but at least, they can stay in their own homes and have electricity to cook. During World War Two, your home was bombed during air-raids every night and you had a very good chance of dying in your bed, your loved ones were blown up in trenches, food and other important items were rationed and spies were everywhere. You cannot compare the scoronavirus pandemic with all the chaos of World War Two.
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