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I have 6 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 4087 times

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My stories

What are we

Cross that line Escape to hallucinate Ecstasy, fantasy If you were me Soul graffiti Purge on a page A life without a view A soul without a heart The heavens then opened

Let's not talk shit

Alright, let's not talk shit Let us not beat around that bush What the fuck have you done With that soul of mine Cause I still can't find it I thought you had given it back

What a joy

What a joy to behold Using this skill of old To write bullshit on a page like this And for people to read it, thus To give their opinion To share a belief

Trying to be me

I tried to be me But it didn't seem to work And being someone else Seems so much worse I give up most days And it spirals down People fall apart around me But I hit the ground first

Supposedly free

I'm supposed to be free As this is a democracy Yet bound I am To your rights of man To live to work And work to live To get nothin back Except selfish greed Please do carry on
