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I have 140 stories published in 7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 92463 times and 7 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 85 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

pumadelta's picture


My stories

Lady Fatima

She’s trapped climbing 8 legged the glass stairway To her doom. I caught her Moreover she caught me Full throated as I puffed on a Marlboro light...

A Camel through the eye of a needle

The news spread through the wards like arterial pumped blood With first hemorages of news feeds Flashed on iPhones until it seeped Through on to...


I suck hard on the Rubbery plastic tip. Empty my nostrils of Air. Deplete the cartridge Of its white misty smoke. The room is dark but night’s...

Everyone is beautiful in the dark

Midnight claws at her nocturnal skin like a lover despised and that lie lay-strewn like Confetti across your bedroom floor. Another illicit notch on...


I live alone and Too have to bare The solitude silence Of isolation. Unable to choose a unique thought to dwell on in the Vacant hours. Unable to...


1 of my comments has received 1 Great Feedback vote

1 Vote

loved this peice and some of

Posted on Thu, 07 May 2015

loved this peice and some of your other writing...as one writer to another, i could learn alot about mood and metaphors from your writing....thourougly enjoyable read...

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Posted in Centralian