Lady Fatima
By pumadelta
- 315 reads
She’s trapped climbing
8 legged the glass stairway
To her doom. I caught her
Moreover she caught me
Full throated as I puffed on a
Marlboro light. Starring motionless
At the nothingness that surrounds
Uttering and spluttering her sweet
Wisdom of lady Fatima punctured
By the hiss of her expletive sounds
I thought to kill her. one wack
Of the underside of my kicked
Off sandal and splat brains and
Sinew all over the living room wall..
But I didn’t want to disturb the rich
Magnolia crystalline wall paper..
So I caught her in a disused glass
Incense jar, covered her remains
With a lid from a wooden objedar
I’ll feed her fillet stake or jerk chicken.
Careful to take out the bones before
She chokes. watch her get fat like a walrus
Poach her for that expensive fur coat.
Now let’s see who is king of this
Castle. Let’s see u build a web
And use ur power Relationships
To escape where ur ugly sisters
Have fought and died.
Let’s see u climb the walls of ur
Prefabricated existence...
As I watch u fall, breath ur last and die.
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