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I have 15 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 13425 times

renderedtruth's picture
Thomas DeWall

My stories

The Atheist's Work Ethic

Atheists are not as perfect as they think

My Father Creates The Unbelievable Truth To Get Me In Trouble

My father has an inspiration to set me up for a beating by my mother after she humiliates him for being a dangerous driver.

A Child's View Of Culture Clash In Chicago During The Late Sixties As It Relates To Himself

A child is taken to a babysitter where he learns another way of life. After several years of growing attachments he is violently removed from their care and placed with another babysitter.

Beholding Beauty

Bitterness, selfishness, and bad taste haunt the life of the son of a deceased Hollywood starlet

Stealing Consent: My First Visit With My Sister

An account of a family vacation visiting a sister who had married a man when she was 15 years old and who wants to get to know her brother after the time they have lived apart.
