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I have 1939 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 3189373 times and 588 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1411 of my 12,614 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1449 votes

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My stories

From a window

screeching kerfuffle …

Mma Ramotswe’s Little White Van (IP)

(with apologies to Alexander McCall Smith) No one can ever love you like I do. I couldn’t love that van reliable, and new, so comfortable, smoothly humming, shiny blue,

Too clever to see (IP)

Egg-hunt with a difference (based on a true story) She gave them each a plastic egg, – the kind you can unscrew, and sent them out to search for what

Grandchildren staying (IP)

Round the house, running legs scuffling, shuffling, searching, hunting Easter eggs. Where’s Mum put them? read the clue – one for me and one for you.

Resurrection facts

People like a nice idea, comfortable things to hear. Surely we can’t really know Christ arose so long ago? Men and women were astounded, and their witness brave was founded
