Richard Latimer

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I have 11 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 8627 times

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Richard Latimer

My collections

My stories


Black shoes/Prawn sandwich competition.

‘Cat and Mouse.’

She slipped the black patent leather shoe off her right foot, reached down and rubbed her corn.


“For fucks sake!!” muttered the angel. Well he thought it was an angel. Or was it

NAUGHTY BUT NICE?: an éclair to die for - Chapter 7

The bullet had hit him in the throat, his hands came up as though trying to stem the flow of blood and he toppled forward.

NAUGHTY BUT NICE?: an éclair to die for - Chapter 6

He saw the sihouette of the man’s head as the security light came on and fired. Click! Click! The gun had jammed.
