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I have 1263 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1132977 times and 108 of my stories have been cherry picked.
8 of my 206 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 8 votes

seannelson's picture
Sean Lawlor Nelson

American; 40; divorced with 3 kids; I've lived in Sweden and Thailand; and have devoted 40 years to the literary endeavor. I've been a part of this literary community forever; and won many cherry awards from our eminent editors. Thanks to my fellow literati in this community.

My stories

Why the Democratic Party has a Future to Believe In, Pt. 1

As a life-long independent Democrat from a family of politically involved Democrats going back a couple generations to Congressman Henry Leonard of...

A Public Defense and Plea for Amends

Greetings, My name is Sean Lawlor Nelson. I'm an American poet and social thinker who has been under heavy government surveillance especially since...

Why America's Medical Status Quo leaves our contagion risk needlessly high

Many millions of Americans currently face choices between paying for medical check-ups, drugs and care, and paying the rent, college tuition, and...

International Relations Today

After fervent consultations, it was good news when our honorable President Trump made only minor changes to the new Cuba policy we in the Obama...

the Statesmens' View

A statesman could be said to be a specialist who due to the nature of his psyche and responsibility views international affairs from an international...
