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I have 1269 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1169788 times and 108 of my stories have been cherry picked.
8 of my 206 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 8 votes

seannelson's picture
Sean Lawlor Nelson

American; 40; divorced with 3 kids; I've lived in Sweden and Thailand; and have devoted 40 years to the literary endeavor. I've been a part of this literary community forever; and won many cherry awards from our eminent editors. Thanks to my fellow literati in this community.

My stories


now and then life's fitful fever strikes me: the urge to scrawl % to savor blue sky why!, oh my ya know, i've some Stacked books but i'm not In them; supple, sable ravens build nests on the roof

"Great" Men Haikus

Shakespeare those puffy lips and mountains of witty bombast ; ' never flew first class Robert Frost his words dry, prickly oft soaked up lush, liberdad winds ; great! are his flowers Allan

"Great" Men Haikus

Shakespeare those puffy lips and mountains of witty bombast ; ' never flew first class Robert Frost his words dry, prickly oft soaked up lush, liberdad winds ; great! are his flowers Allan

the Quest for Rejoice

to mine and far sharper eyes this beautified world wears a veil stitched of pride, or lust or fruit-bearing tradition; her latest dragon has unnatural scales, blows leporous fire, and snorts the very fog of war:

journal Jan. 24, 2006

I woke up this morning with a splintering hangover, my brain pounding, hardly alive. Yeah, my life lately hasn't been that great. Mostly, I live pretty high on the hog. And I'm able to find some positive interests... like reading about all the incredible life-forms on this planet... and seeing them at the zoo.
