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I have 1269 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1167090 times and 108 of my stories have been cherry picked.
8 of my 206 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 8 votes

seannelson's picture
Sean Lawlor Nelson

American; 40; divorced with 3 kids; I've lived in Sweden and Thailand; and have devoted 40 years to the literary endeavor. I've been a part of this literary community forever; and won many cherry awards from our eminent editors. Thanks to my fellow literati in this community.

My stories

Diplomatic letter to the B.B.C.

Greetings B.B.C., I admire your news organization, and since my youth it's been probably my honest top news source. Though I've always been a proud...

On Science and Spirituality

The very intellectual foundation of true science(made very clear by the greats) is accepting that every theory can be contested with evidence(as the...

a factual statement

Worship of an individual is a barren farce.... but if you want to talk individuals, if it weren't for me and 'the purple revolution' I started,...

From Queen Anne Ave

Greetings from Queen Anne Ave. I'm a father of 3 and a disabled citizen who got 'into politics' because though I had good private insurance, I wasn't...

2nd Letter to the B.B.C.

Greetings special allies of America, I'd like to expand slightly on my earlier comments... assuming that, as these are soaring but rocky times in...
