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I have 88 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 545553 times and 90 of my stories have been cherry picked.
72 of my 2,234 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 74 votes

seashore's picture
Coral Jane

Mother and Daughter.

I joined Abctales in 2010 and my daughter Julia a year later (2011). Unfortunately due to ill health, despite having been a prolific writer since childhood, she only managed to post a small number of pieces whilst active on the site. Following her unexpected and preventable death in 2016, I posted more of her poems on my own account under her username, which seemed a logical step at the time.

In 2019 her entire body of work was published by in a book entitled WAITING FOR ANOTHER VELVET MORNING, which is still available on Amazon (proceeds to charity}. Her original work still remains on her account Overthetop.

I don't write as much now, though the occasional piece pops up once in a while.

Coral Jane Macpherson (seashore)
Julia Jane Macpherson (Overthetop1) deceased in 2016

My stories

The Optician

My mother, always an embarrassment to me, takes me to the Optician. I am thirteen and have recently been unable to see the blackboard at school without squinting.

St Ives, Summer 1993

This is becoming an annual event a celebratory ritual; another Cornish idyll. In Topsham Devon a job ends, the rain spills, I paint all night, sleep all day.

School Doctor

I stand there dressed only in my regulation school knickers. I am shivering and ashamed as, although I am eleven years old, I still have no breasts.


Imaginings John Did you ever imagine How it would be When Maxwell's silver hammer Finally struck home? In those last moments Before your life ebbed away, Did you see them

Living with trains

Morning breaks As sweet bird songs lure me Forgetting that nature fakes It's prelude to the real overture. So I wait For the first train, Moving soft and swift,
