I have 12 stories published in
0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 15649 times
and 14 of my stories have been cherry picked. 55 of my 200 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 55 votes
Simone Bloom
55 of my comments have received 55 Great Feedback votes
1 Vote
A vivid insight into the
Posted on Sun, 12 Nov 2017
A vivid insight into the deepest recesses of the troubled, self-smothering mind.
On first reading I find "How do I write Mother" chilling, dark, and extremely powerful. The way the word dissolves the paper, the way the paint overflows its boundaries ... there are some exquisite lines: "Wetted pigments set with brush on...
Heart-wrenching, this raw and honest expression of pain and despair. And so sad to learn just how long the chilling emptiness at the heart of your life has existed, hidden behind the smiling warmth of your lively persona and your busy life....
You have excelled youself, Marcia. Each re-reading of this epic poem brings new rewards. You have a unique mastery of language and use words to convey deep emotions and profound thoughts in the way a composer might arrange the elements of a great...
A painfully honest, moving, haunting reflection upon solitude: the reasons for being alone, the uncertainty, the loneliness but ultimately - as Nolan says - self sufficiemcy and peace of mind.
Thank you for taking us with you on your cheerful Spring walk!
Strikes me this might become, with colourful illustrations, a book explaining alternative energy technologies to schoolkids. (I know some excellent illustrators I could put you...
A fresh, affecting description of a ritual that most of us will have to carry out in our lifetimes. it brings to mind the anguish my siblings and I went through deciding on the right wording for our mother's grave. Like you, we kept it simple...
Your writing jumps from the page and teases and taunts with devilish glee. You are a master of your art, lavadis, so don't worry about Doubt - you've just given her a fatal thrashing.
A vivid insight into the
Posted on Sun, 12 Nov 2017
A vivid insight into the deepest recesses of the troubled, self-smothering mind.
Read full commentPosted in The Color of Light. by MarciaMarcia
There is much beauty revealed
Posted on Mon, 30 Oct 2017
There is much beauty revealed with each new reading of this long, moving lament. So many lines linger in the mind:
"A year not lived in time lost forever in rhyme."
Read full comment"Lain bare its ashen self ... there."
"To enfold the newest...
Posted in You Ask Me “How Am I”
On first reading I find "How
Posted on Wed, 01 Nov 2017
On first reading I find "How do I write Mother" chilling, dark, and extremely powerful. The way the word dissolves the paper, the way the paint overflows its boundaries ... there are some exquisite lines: "Wetted pigments set with brush on...
Read full commentPosted in How Do I Write “Mother”
So good to know ABC will be
Posted on Sat, 22 Oct 2016
So good to know ABC will be continuing for the time being. Long may this vital creative community live!
Read full commentPosted in What Say You My Soul Spirits ............ABC All
Heart-wrenching, this raw and
Posted on Fri, 20 Jan 2017
Heart-wrenching, this raw and honest expression of pain and despair. And so sad to learn just how long the chilling emptiness at the heart of your life has existed, hidden behind the smiling warmth of your lively persona and your busy life....
Read full commentPosted in once life January 18, 2017
You have excelled youself,
Posted on Tue, 02 Aug 2016
You have excelled youself, Marcia. Each re-reading of this epic poem brings new rewards. You have a unique mastery of language and use words to convey deep emotions and profound thoughts in the way a composer might arrange the elements of a great...
Read full commentPosted in Joanie's Poem
A painfully honest, moving,
Posted on Fri, 24 Jun 2016
A painfully honest, moving, haunting reflection upon solitude: the reasons for being alone, the uncertainty, the loneliness but ultimately - as Nolan says - self sufficiemcy and peace of mind.
Read full commentPosted in Solitude
Thank you for taking us with
Posted on Sat, 19 Mar 2016
Thank you for taking us with you on your cheerful Spring walk!
Read full commentStrikes me this might become, with colourful illustrations, a book explaining alternative energy technologies to schoolkids. (I know some excellent illustrators I could put you...
Posted in Surprise Crop
A fresh, affecting
Posted on Tue, 23 Feb 2016
A fresh, affecting description of a ritual that most of us will have to carry out in our lifetimes. it brings to mind the anguish my siblings and I went through deciding on the right wording for our mother's grave. Like you, we kept it simple...
Read full commentPosted in When we made Love
Your writing jumps from the
Posted on Mon, 15 Feb 2016
Your writing jumps from the page and teases and taunts with devilish glee. You are a master of your art, lavadis, so don't worry about Doubt - you've just given her a fatal thrashing.
Read full commentPosted in Doubt is my mistress