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I have 41 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 39343 times and 21 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 35 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

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My stories


I don’t think I have ever told you properly about that guy we spoke to in Amsterdam. It was the first evening, I think, and we were walking along the...

Icar us

I am here under your bla zing sun. Your heat still burns my skin and I imag ine your finger tips find ing paths along my arms, swooping over my...

The Things That You Are

A black cat sliding through the slick grass of my awful garden, all yellow eyes and symbolism. Hope. Champagne in a Mykonos bar. The moon broken on...

Last night

Last night I dreamed about you for the last time. So strange, how we spoke for hours, like we never have. Perhaps once. Wordless, I remember sitting...

Iggy Pop's Eyes, Manchester Apollo 1977

beautiful clown boy pulling asymmetries of chopping bass bird ribs and spotlight halo your eyes Pagliacci glazed mirrors wells of sorrow we stare...
