Svensson Magic

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I have 5 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 5550 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Svensson Magic's picture
Andy Knudsen

My stories

Your Father's Only Friend

It was afternoon and I got a call from my mother. The line was bad so I asked where she was.

Black Market Prosthetics

I woke up trying to open the wardrobe. The alarm raged me and I wondered what I was doing. I had had a restless night. Pretty soon, my nose began to bleed.

Digging the Hole You're Standing In

The head lights glint gold off the rail in the tunnel and the platform shuffles as everyone tries to guess where the doors are going to end up.

Out of My League

We were out and I met this girl and went back to hers. We were in a club called the Vine and Diz was talking to me non stop.

The Bottomless Pit

I went out and bought a computer. Everybody has a computer. So I figured I needed one. But all I use it for is to watch pornography on the internet. It’s a bottomless-pit-of-pornography machine.