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I have 11 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 8900 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

SylvanHuntress's picture


My stories

A star-crossed tale

In subtle moonlight I gaze upon the ripe curves of my desires yet dare not dream, dare not touch.

Cauldron of Rainbows

In the womb of dreams, I create new things. Flitting butterflies, deviant dryads, totems that burn beneath a starless night sky


Hear the mighty thundering of the chariots of war, wheels aflame with hate and the rush of heated blood...

Arcana Compromised

Secrets locked dark and deep, secrets not whispered, even in the velvety realm of sleep.

Untethered Melody

Come and dream the endless dream, where night is day and day is dream and dream, she is a dancer.
