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I have 3629 stories published in 31 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 3009855 times and 438 of my stories have been cherry picked.
40 of my 1,680 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 41 votes

well-wisher's picture


My stories


the THE the THE the THE the THE the THE the THE the THE the THE World World World World World World World World World World World WIDE WIDE WIDE WIDE...

Let there bee light

In heaven there are honey bees; angelically, they buzz as, busily, from star to star, they fly. They store star nectar up, you see, in heavens hives...

A Rabbit

A rabbit is forever ready to run; its shoe like ears shovel up sounds from the air and scan for the sound of a man with a gun or the foxes and...

Little Albert (About Watson And Rayners cruel experiment)

Messrs Watson and Rayner, smiling like clangs of steel, proudly present, for your amazement, "Little Alberts fears". See how the pet lab rat that...

Clouds and Islands

Islands floating in the sea and clouds within the sky; changing their identity as time goes drifting by. Battles, guns and uniforms; black...
