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I have 20 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 8747 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

WSLeafe's picture
Will Leafe

My stories


The silver doors closed in front of me, arrogantly confining me to my chamber of doom. I don’t like lifts. It’s bad enough being in an enclosed space...

The Elusive Success

I am Mark, time-killing expert. I am currently sat at my desk, which will not be my desk for much longer, refreshing my email Inbox as I await an...

It Takes Two

I’m much happier here, sat between my mother and father, basking in the white clouds and the constant sunshine, blissfully ignorant. There are harps...

Golden Boy

Strolling onto the school stage, David accepted his seven awards for the previous academic year. “Sport”, “Music”, “Performing Arts”, “English”, “...


His new BMW, in matte black and an unmistakably polished finish, was clearly cleaned on a daily basis. The brand new registration with its brand new...
