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I have 297 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 159312 times and 53 of my stories have been cherry picked.
11 of my 249 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 11 votes

YaseminB's picture

The author of Many Shades Of Grey and had a poem published at scrittura along with 50 poems for various anthologies mainly by Forward Poetry.

My stories

Sublimely Suburban Sparrow

Sublimely Suburban Sparrow She sings in high notes Each morn. Her voice Mellifluous, though breaks heart. Over us, she keeps sentinel. Suburbia will...


Bezaleel God’s shadow in cinnabar Lurks in nooks and crannies. A tall tale of grannies. Bezaleel is L’esprit de l’escalier Gods and Goddesses had...


Machinisation "My rusty back comes with wise age!"" Declared the cog. To the young man with a sponge And a bucket of soap. Its edges became sharper:...

The Tree Of Knowledge

The Tree Of Knowledge What knowledge to be had From the fruit of knowledge tree? Just what kind of knowledge? Well, if we eat it, we learn About...


Liverpool When night ends, the fog begins Heavy as lead! Shrouding the town: Once grand And home of grandeur. The grand mansions of old times! Now in...
