Nilima's Conquest
By neilmc
- 3194 reads
Fiona had absolutely stuffed herself at Nilima's wedding. It had
been very different from a western wedding at which a select group of
invitees go from church to reception to disco to bed and, high on
nuptial excess, try to out-shag the bride and groom; not usually
difficult as the lucky couple, by now absolutely knackered, have to
spend half the night resolving the effects of practical jokes. The
civil and religious bits of Nilima's wedding had been close family
affairs conducted at home and at the register office, in contrast to
the reception at which half the country had turned up to scoff a
never-ending supply of pakoras, samosas, kebabs, chicken wings and,
being a Bengali ceremony, huge vats of fish curry. The feasting had
taken place in the humble surroundings of the assembly hall of a large
Birmingham comprehensive school, and a thick curtain reminiscent of the
veil covering the Holy of Holies had been erected to divide the room
into two sections, one for the men and the other for the women and
children, although the kids took great delight in swooping through the
curtain to locate their dads. There was neither alcohol nor disco and,
Fiona supposed, little chance of shagging, as everyone would later be
sleeping head-to-toe, crammed into every room of the terrace houses of
those guests who lived in the vicinity.
Nilima had appeared to be sunk in deep misery throughout the
proceedings but had previously assured Fiona that this was customary;
she must not appear too eager to be leaving her father's care, although
she was in fact doing rather well as her bridegroom Nasim lived with
his parents in a four-bedroomed detached house in Sutton Coldfield.
Throughout the meal chuckling, contented Bengali matrons fussed with
children and plundered the steaming cauldrons, and the fragrance of
marital contentment hung in the onion-scented air. With a shock, Fiona
found her vivid fantasy self drifting into church, wearing a flouncy
white dress, then through an autumnal park swinging a toddler and
calling a large soft dog to heel, a beaming David always at her side.
Bloody hell; get a grip, you pervy girl! she commanded herself as she
was jerked out of her reverie by Nilima's cousin thrusting a towering
mound of burfi under her nose.
But that had been three months ago, and the marriage had lasted only
half that time for, on one sodden night when David and Fiona were
watching TV, the doorbell chimed and in limped a very wet and miserable
She was carrying a small suitcase, her trouser legs were soaked below
the bottom of her coat and her beautiful hair hung in dank, dripping
braids. But David and Fiona's attention was drawn to the dark contusion
covering her left cheekbone:
"He hit me and threw me out," she exclaimed in a matter-of-fact voice,
"can I stay for a while, please?"
Then the whole sorry story came tumbling out as Fiona towelled Nilima's
wet hair and David made a pot of tea; at first Nasim had been so gentle
and romantic, he had not forced her into sex against her will and had
been charming and attentive to her needs, so much that she had decided
to reward him with a surprise act of fellatio. His male instinct had
warned that she was no novice at this, and he had extracted the truth,
namely that she had been given practical instruction in the techniques
of oral sex by David. And then by Fiona. Nasim never got to fully
explore the sensual world which Nilima, Fiona's disciple, had been
prepared to unlock for him; instead he called her a whore and hit her
not with the measured face-slap of an angry Asian mum but with the full
fist of a raging bully, giving her five minutes to pack her things and
And so the disgraced Nilima, unable to return to her mother and father,
borrowed the train fare to Nottingham from her cousin and became part
of David and Fiona's strange household?
It was David's gym night, and Nilima had prepared him something nice
for when he came in - a tasty chicken curry, and a juicy surprise
starter, namely herself. In the corner of the living room stood a piece
of equipment which they described to their unsuspecting friends as
being part of a home gymnasium, but was in fact designed for the
purpose for which it was currently in use, namely to restrain an
individual about to be beaten. Nilima, dressed only in a frilly apron,
was currently shackled at wrist and ankle awaiting David's pleasure.
Fiona was taking practice swishes with a riding crop; she wondered
whether or not Nilima was really into all this stuff or was just
pleasing her friends - well, there was one sure way to find out!
"Mm, something smells good!" declared the voice of David as the street
door swung open.
"Never mind smells good, she's probably thrown that together in the
last half hour after lazing around all day," declared Fiona. "You
really need to take control of these servants, master David; I suggest
a good horsewhipping, after which you can have your lustful way with
her. As you well know, I'm no longer fond of that kind of thing but
I'll stay and watch to make sure you don't get up to anything
"Cool, can I stay and watch as well?" uttered a fourth voice, and a
man's brown head appeared around the door.
The effect was electrifying; Nilima tried to regain her modesty but was
unable to move, and yelled for Fiona to unfasten her and bring a
dressing gown. David and the newcomer fell about laughing.
"This is Paresh," explained David between bouts of laughter, "he goes
to my gym and I invited him round for some dinner. I've already told
him all about you two!"
David and Paresh plonked themselves on to the sofa, still chuckling,
whilst an embarrassed Nilima went out to set the table and serve the
meal. Fiona sat herself down in the easy chair and glowered at David,
but she could not keep it up and soon smiled ruefully.
"Would you really have whipped her?" ventured Paresh.
"Of course not," replied David, horrified at the thought, "her bastard
so-called husband beat her up last month; we might be a bit kinky but
we're not brutal."
"Well, her bottom did look rather red," persisted Paresh.
"That's just Fiona's love-prints," explained David. "We're always
giving each other a few little slaps, but it doesn't go beyond that. At
least, not with Nilima?well, not yet!"
"It's only fantasy role-play," added Fiona. "Nil's looking after the
house whilst we're at Uni, and wanted to try our new equipment, so she
opted for the punish-the-lazy-housemaid scenario - very popular in the
Indian Subcontinent, apparently. Sorry if it looks a bit racist, but
it's not always like that!"
"Actually, Nil can be quite domineering," said David cheerfully. "Last
week she caught Fiona and I having sex and gave us both a really good
"Surely you can have sex in your own house," queried Paresh
"Yes, but we'd promised to include her and sort of forgot," explained
At that point Nilima came in and announced that the food was ready.
Paresh said nothing further, but was blinking rapidly. Fiona again
commended David as a shrewd judge of character; most of their
associates would have been half way down the street after hearing what
they'd just told Paresh. David and Fiona were considered a weird couple
at Nottingham University, even by colleagues who sported body piercings
and swallowed unidentified tablets sold to them by strangers in
Over the meal Paresh revealed many things about himself which the girls
did not yet know; he was Hindu and a doctor, a house officer at the
local hospital and, like Nilima, an outcast from his family after
meeting and courting a Pakistani girl who had been training alongside
him. Nilima, who had been paying meticulous attention to her food,
looked up sharply.
"What happened?" asked Fiona. "Was it the Hindu/Muslim thing which
wouldn't work out?" Better be upfront, thought Fiona; she could already
see the way this might proceed.
"She broke it off so as not to lose her family too; I think it was the
India/Pakistan issue rather than religion," he explained sadly. "If I
go beyond my own faith community again, I need a woman who is prepared
to be strong," he added, looking fully into Nilima's wide dark
"There's a ladies' only session at the gym, then . . ow!" said David as
Fiona kicked him under the table.
When it was time for Paresh to leave he hugged David, shook Fiona's
hand formally but raised Nilima's to his lips and gave it a chaste kiss
as he thanked her for a wonderful meal.
"He's got the hots for you, Nilima!" exclaimed Fiona with crude glee as
soon as the street door closed behind Paresh.
Paresh became a regular visitor to the small terraced house in
Nottingham, and his goodnight kisses to Nilima became less and less
chaste; one evening, Fiona caught him fondling Nilima's breasts and
pretended not to notice. But Paresh still refused to be left completely
alone with the girl, and for once Fiona did not know how to play the
situation; she found him likeable and open-minded but slightly sardonic
and pedantic in his junior-doctor kind of way. She wondered if he would
be seducible; with two sexually charged women in the house, David had
been making like a cat with the cream for far too long! She sighed;
somehow she sensed that this delectable prospect would not be the way
forward, especially for Nilima, who spoke about Paresh far less than
ought to be the case. Maybe it was the busyness of her life, for Nilima
now had a part-time supermarket job but still insisted on doing most if
not all of the domestic chores, and had come to an agreement to
complete her degree at Nottingham Trent University the following
Things came to a head on Nilima's twenty-second birthday; Paresh had
taken them out to the best Indian restaurant in Nottingham and, stuffed
to the gills, they had returned to the house for more coffee. Suddenly
Paresh dropped to his knees beside Nilima, as David and Fiona had done
so often during their relationship. Fiona thought that this was not
before time, and was about to offer them privacy and the whipped cream
when Paresh fished in his pocket and brought out a diamond ring and,
turning to David, asked if he had their permission as guardians to
approach Nilima with a view to engagement and marriage. Nilima jumped
up, ran to the bedroom and flung herself on to the communal bed in
floods of tears. There was half a minute of stunned silence until
David, unusually, took the lead and pointed commandingly at
"WE'RE going to the pub for an hour. YOU stay here and sort this out!
And DON'T leave until we get back!" David and Fiona hurriedly donned
coats and went out.
When Paresh cautiously approached the still-sobbing Nilima, she turned
to him with despair in her face.
"I sleep in this stained bed. With David and Fiona. They fuck each
other then they fuck me like the dirty little slut I am. Not much of a
basis for marriage, last time or now!" she snarled bitterly.
"I know all that," he replied calmly. "David told me all about it weeks
ago. And I don't care."
"And this mouth you like to kiss, it's been wrapped round David's cock
and sucking Fiona's fanny!"
"Fine, they're my friends too; at least I know where it's been.
Remember, we had the Kama Sutra when the Brits were still prancing
around fires in bearskins."
Nilima stared disbelievingly at Paresh.
"And the vibrator, the horsewhip, the handcuffs, the nipple clamps, the
stilettos, the posing pouch, the corsets, the suspenders, the ?cream?"
continued Nilima, finally faltering.
"Merely products of a healthy fantasy life," assured Paresh, drawing
her tenderly to himself, "no one's really hurt, physically or
emotionally, by all this, are they? But?"
"Where does cream come into all this?"
"I'll show you," she offered, smiling at last, "but we've only got half
an hour!"
When David and Fiona returned, they found Paresh and Nilima sitting in
calm composure on the sofa. They were now holding hands, but looked
grave, and there was no sign of the diamond ring. The remains of the
squirty cream were back in the fridge.
"In view of what Nilima's had to tell me, I think it only prudent to
delay the engagement," said Paresh in a solemn voice.
"Until when?" asked Fiona harshly.
"Until you've all been tested for sexually transmitted diseases," he
replied. "I'm sorry, and I'm not making any moral judgments, but I
think it would be in the best interests of all of us. I've got some
swabs in the car, I can get you done tonight and I'll get a friend in
the STD lab to push through the tests."
Fiona thought of objecting, but remained silent, remembering how she
had recently inserted Paresh into her fantasy hall of fame, men she
would like to insert elsewhere given half the chance. She didn't, of
course ? she wouldn't ? would she? Maybe Paresh was well within his
rights to be suspicious of people who acted out their fantasies! David
wouldn't object to being tested, he'd go through anything right now for
Nilima's sake.
Five minutes later David stood stoically as Paresh lifted his foreskin
with gloved fingers and swabbed for a sample, then winced as the doctor
applied a second swab coated with antiseptic. Nilima and Fiona watched
"Wouldn't want to introduce any infections, would we?" Paresh explained
as he popped the first swab into a small vial and wrote David's name on
Then it was Fiona's turn.
"Do you want some privacy?" asked Paresh delicately.
"Bit late for that now," grunted Fiona, slipping off her knickers and
spreading her legs indelicately. The swabbing wasn't much fun, and the
antiseptic stung her tender parts; "Doctors and Nurses" was not going
to be in Fiona's fantasy fun collection for some considerable time to
"Can you do mine in the bathroom, please?" asked Nilima, looking a bit
sickly. The two Asians went into the bathroom, and a few seconds later
David and Fiona heard a soft cry of pain, then Nilima re-emerged,
mincing like a model.
"All done," said Paresh briskly, "now no sex of any kind, no kissing or
touching of each other's bodily orifices until I get the results!" He
packed his samples, bade farewell and walked off into the
The first night was easy; the effects of the antiseptic overcame any
carnal desires. The second night was more difficult, but Paresh gave
them an encouraging pep talk and a box of surgical gloves. Nilima slept
on the sofa to keep out of temptation's way, but David and Fiona tossed
and turned in the king-sized bed.
"I'm sorry, Fi, I'll have to have a wank," confessed David.
"Do you want a hand?" asked Fiona sleepily. "I'll put on one of those
Nilima appeared from her sofa bed.
"Do you know where the vibrator is?" she asked.
"Yes, it's in the top drawer," answered Fiona, "but I used it last, so
you'll have to douse it in antiseptic again."
"I'll give it a miss," sighed Nilima and staggered back to bed as Fiona
struggled with the surgical glove.
On the third day Paresh had some good news; the results would
definitely be back in the morning, but, as he wasn't contactable during
his shift; he would get round as soon as he could the following
evening. David decided he ought to conserve himself, but Fiona just had
to have the vibrator that evening, whilst Nilima had secreted a large
carrot behind the sofa cushions in case she became hungry during the
Paresh was frustrated too; his previous unconsummated relationship with
the Pakistani girl had been more a meeting of minds, a compatible
consorting, but this was different; each minute spent away from Nilima
was wasted time, and through both the busy day and the restless night
he yearned, and burned for her touch.
The next day Paresh was round early evening, looking very pleased with
"How are the test results?" asked Fiona anxiously.
"There aren't any," he explained calmly. "You can't just go and stick
unspecified samples in for testing, you know."
David and Fiona looked blank.
"Well, the great courtship's off then," declared Fiona. "Known perverts
like us put it around like crazy!" she said bitterly.
Paresh shook his head and smiled smugly.
"Studies have shown that the incidence of sexually transmitted disease
is statistically very low where parties are in an unorthodox
relationship such as yours and a commitment to fidelity has been made,"
he intoned. "Any breaches usually occur with the consent of all
concerned and only when the relationship as such is mutually considered
to be no longer tenable."
"You mean, outcasts like us commit because we mean it, not because
society expects it?" translated David.
"Precisely!" beamed Paresh.
"What about the tests, and the no sex bit?" queried Fiona, with a glint
in her eye that Paresh had not yet learnt to recognise.
"It was another role-play fantasy, Fiona, my little fantasy of being an
STD specialist, or maybe a gynaecologist. I'm sure that you two of all
people understand, in fact I thought you'd be sure to call my bluff. As
for the no sex bit, a few days abstinence is often just what a
long-standing and, may I say, very passionate, relationship calls out
Long silence. For just a few seconds, Fiona considered getting him
struck off.
"Good fantasy!" agreed David, with a brittle smile.
"Had us all completely fooled!" enthused Fiona.
"Must try it again some time," said David, "if you excuse me, I think
I'll go and run a bath." He went via the kitchen.
Fiona made small talk to Paresh whilst David was in the bathroom;
theirs was a very old and deep bath with cast-iron legs, and took a
long time to fill. Nilima remained very quiet.
After a few minutes David reappeared, nodded to Fiona and together they
seized Paresh, frogmarched him into the bathroom and threw him fully
clothed into the cold bath, which had been topped up by the freezer's
entire supply of ice cubes.
When he resurfaced, spluttering and shivering, he hoped that he had
been forgiven; he rather liked this sparky, weird young couple and
prayed that he hadn't irretrievably antagonised them with his
Back in the living room, a horrible suspicion had been dawning upon
David and Fiona.
"Stay in there just another minute, Paresh!" yelled David. "We're not
done with you yet!"
Nilima still sat silently.
"We didn't actually see you get tested, did we, darling?" asked Fiona
sweetly. "Did you two concoct this little fantasy together, by any
Nilima tried to feign innocence, but all that came out of her mouth was
a guilty giggle.
A minute later the bathroom door opened again, and David held a
squealing, stripped Nilima over his shoulder as Fiona walked in behind,
repeatedly and firmly smacking Nilima's rear with the riding crop; she
didn't seem to be enjoying it all that much after all. When Paresh
found his bride-to-be thrown naked into the icy water on top of him, he
was almost sure that they had been forgiven.
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