Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Again, another hard week for decisions owing to us being snowed under with brilliant stuff - basically, for prose, read the concluding parts of Milo by Talo Segura, the ongoing wonderfulness of drew_gummerson's A piece of Ass, Terrence Oblong's Island Hideaway - and this week's Story of the Week goes to artofminima's series which doesn't seem to have a name, but the latest part is called A Beautiful Truce. Poem of the Week goes to Ewan for his...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 17 Jan 2020 January has certainly felt a lot less bleak with all the brilliant stuff currently being posted on ABC Tales. Lots of splendid writing to enjoy, which makes it even harder to make the week's choices. Story of the Week goes to the first chapter of Talo Segura's series about Milo. I was instantly drawn into the story and completely absorbed by the setting and the characters. Please do go on and read the...

Poetry Book Awards

I was sent this link by one of our poets who thought it might be of interest to others: 'The Poetry Book Awards is an annual, international book award given to the best poetry books produced by indie writers, self published authors or books published by independent or small presses. Even though more and more people are enjoying and participating in creative writing it is becoming increasingly difficult to become traditionally published,...

Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem for the Month of December, very kindly chosen by Ewan: It’s the first time for a long while that I’ve had the honour of picking the best of the month’s work. It’s just as difficult as I remember to choose. As it’s December there was a great deal of very good work reflecting on the time of year. Pick of the Month goes to a returning ABC-er, the very talented Drew Gummerson for MovieLand! Parts 1,2 and 3, a short story hiding...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 03 Jan 2020 Happy New Year everyone! We're already off to a great start on the writing front - let's make a mutual resolution to write, post and read more. I have to give a big shout out to Lavadis and his use of extraordinary imagery to conjure up the rawest of emotions: Poem of the week goes to Onemorething's delicate and profound: https://www.abctales...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Ending the decade with an explosion of talent

Merry Christmas!

Before you start basting your turkeys

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 A couple of real crackers for you this week (pun definitely intended). Our Poem of the Week is 'Exhaling Stars' by the-real-jaw. Beautiful use of language and symbolism together with sharp observation of the world in all its bleak reality. It's a tremendous piece of work: Story of the Week goes to Part 4 of Canonette's marvellous 'UV'. Another example...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 06 Dec 2019 Thank you ABCTales for bringing us cool respite from the stinging world. Yet again there's been a host of wonderful writing. My first choice is something of a conundrum - is it a story - is it a poem? Whichever, it's disarming and exhilarating - the writer has categorised it as a story - so I'm going with that! Story of the week is Minor Prophet by Lithiviaoblivia:
