Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Once again, loads of thanks to all you wonderful ABCTalers for so many splendid contributions to the site. We know from feedback how much pleasure, inspiration and support our members get from each other, and it feels especially important right now.

'PERFECT: A second lifetime to get it right' by JoAnne Stefanizzi (Penny4athought)

I'm very pleased to announce that this is out now on Amazon - by ABCTaler Penny4athought! Here's a link if you want to order from Amazon Uk: and here's the link from the US site: Very big congratulations on your first book from us all!

Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem for the month of February have very kindly been chosen by Drew Gummerson: And coming right out of the blue, on February’s extra day, came this pitch-perfect piece from an 80s childhood in Dundalk, Ireland, . Sean McNulty’s ‘Scouts Honour’ is my Story of the Month. Not a vernacular word out of place, join ‘Dixon, McGurk and myself’, down at Easy Weirs for an old school...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 28 Feb 2020 I love writing that takes you on multiple journeys - that's just one reason I've chosen these two wonderful pieces from fabulous choices this week. Story of the week goes to Parson Thru and his atmospheric wander across time: Poem of the week is full of startling images, ideas and emotions, a woderful piece from Noo:

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Thank you so much for all the wonderful things you've been posting this week. Never mind the storms and global epidemics - stay home and read our brilliant stories and poems instead! Poem of the Week goes to Lille Dante for his wonderfully moving tribute ' Caroline Danced' Story of the Week is the triumphant return of hudsonmoon's Craven Danger in 'Craven Danger and the Case of the Ouija' - and I'm sure you'll be pleased to know he's in the...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 14 Feb 2020 It gets harder and harder to make these weekly picks, because there's just so much good stuff on the site at the moment. After much deliberation, Story of the Week goes to the first part of Drew Gummerson's new series 'The Aquarium'. Splendid, rambunctious writing, amazing characters and some laugh-out-loud moments. In other words, exactly what you'd expect from this author. And it comes with a...

Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem for the month of January have been chosen by fatboy74: It seems that the drearier the time of year, the better ABCtalers respond to the challenge, and you’ve smashed it out of the park over the last 31 days. The writing has been terrific and it was difficult enough having to choose a Pick of the Day, so this has been a bit of a tough one. Poem of the Month goes to onemorething with her stunning poem Lime Tree. If you like it...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 31 Jan 2020 We made it through January! Goodness knows what the future holds - seems like a good time to look back. Scent is a great memory jerker so here is a whiff of the sea and the forest to stir up the past: Story of the week left me in pieces and reminded me how every house has a story - an inspiration point in itself - a beautifully drawn piece from Fatboy74

Crown of Eggshell by Rachel Deering (onemorething). Out Now!

I'm very pleased to announce the publication by Cerasus Poetry of Rachel Deering's 'Crown of Eggshell' ‘In the myth of me, I am geese in flight...’ This flock of poems features cuckoos, blackbirds, owls, magpies, ortolans, starlings, nightingales, canaries, auks, larks, jays, goldfinches, sparrows, thrushes, swallows and swifts. Their presence recurs over both land and sea, sometimes in the company of capricious gods, beneath the celestial...


Giving this a little bump for anyone who hasn't seen it yet: The 2020 Cerasus Poetry Olympics is a competition that will run over 6 qualifying heats in July-August 2020. The competition is open to all who pay the £5 entry fee and submit a batch of 6 poems before the closing date of midnight BST at the end of 30th June 2020. On payment of the fee, you will be randomly allocated a country name, which will identify you during the course of the...
