General Fiction

General Fiction


Sylvia awoke, her heart beat furiously. Emotions heightened, she shook from the frightfulness of the dream. She remained still, trying to make sense of the nightmare. She then quietly rose, so as not to wake Ted and went into the study. She began to type furiously, adding to the lines from her dream:

A New Man

John Page, founder and President of Cryo-Age was an affable and persuasive man. After just 30 minutes, he'd convinced the couple of his sincerity and his companies' claims. He admitted to the couple that the process was a slow one, taking over three years to complete, but when done, he assured them, David could be expected to live another 40-50 years!

Antediluvian (Debits and Credits)

Up ahead he hears a rustling and aims his rifle, he sees a flash of fluorescent orange, just before he pulls the's a fellow hunter, trudging along, frightening his deer! One of "them" from away, as locals call out-of-state hunters. "Too bad he's wearing orange." he thinks, tugging at his camouflage knit cap.

Two Writers (A Sketch)

Friendship cast a long shadow that spanned across the pages of fiction, penetrating the secret truths of two writers who shared the intimacy of words.

Love Does Not Have Eyes

"I want to prove to you that love does not have eyes -- that while on the surface society adores youth and beauty, beneath such superficiality, romance is blind."