Imitating Life (One-off Stories)

One-off stories, written mainly in response to Inspiration Points

All You Need Is...?

It’s not that I’ve never known love. I’ve had my share. But when it comes to writing about love, I can’t. I just can’t.

Back When Elvis Came To Town

Imagine the time before recorded sound. Before wax cylinders and piano rolls and music boxes. When all you had was the singer. Back when Elvis came to town.
Gold cherry

Song For The Girl With The Corn Coloured Hair

Originally intended for the 'Result' IP but life intervened and I didn't get it done in time.
Gold cherry

I'll Teach You To Burn (IP)

Fire was a dominant theme in my childhood. It was for most kids in the fifties and sixties. It was one of our earliest lessons on the contrariness of life.
Gold cherry
Story of the week

Not Quite The Eve Of Destruction (2017 IP)

‘Can’t I have one? Just one little one? I’ve been so good all year…’ ‘No you bloody can’t, and put that Scythe down or I swear to Me I’ll confiscate it for good.'
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The Game of the Name

Hooray! The most popular baby names list is out! No, I couldn't care less. Yes, I love a bit of a gawp at other people's choices.
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What Goes Around (IP)

You can't miss what you've never had. Unless you've had it before. Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons
Gold cherry
Story of the week


I don’t associate cats with beaches. Dogs, yes, flappy ears and flappy paws, chasing balls and sticks, challenging the waves to a duel. But a...
Gold cherry


We know a monster when we see one. Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons
Gold cherry
Story of the week
Pick of the Month

Round The Corner (Part One)

A sort of fairy story, for sort of grown ups. Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons

Round The Corner (Part Two)

Second Part of a sort of fairy story, for sort of grown ups. Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons
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Shadow (Part 1 of 3)

Mr Gray seeks an intelligent lady. But is that what he's cut out for? Supposed to be for last week's 'Storm' Inspiration Point, but ran out of time. Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons

Shadow (Part 2 of 3)

Is Mr Gray really cut out for an enigmatic lady, however intelligent?
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Shadow (Part 3 of 3)

What will Mr Gray find behind the open door?

Christobel and The Monkey (Part 1 of 2)

A shaggy monkey story. Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons

Walk In The Park With Snow (Part 1 of 2)

A bit of nonsense, written as an exercise, responding to the image. Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons
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Walk In The Park With Snow (Part 2 of 2)

Part Two of a bit of snow fantasy. Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons

Sun (IP)

Sometimes it seems like the sun ain't gonna shine anymore. Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons


Silent streets give you dreams. Picture from Needpix, in the public domain.


Response to this week's IP. Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons
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Horror In The Smallest Room

I am a novelist. I do not exorcise bathrooms. Your're offering how much? Picture: Pixabay Creative Commons
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A Story of May

I was born in October, and I always knew my name was chosen as a political statement. My Dad was a member of the International Marxist Group back then. They were big in the seventies.
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Padlocks on a bridge supposedly capture your true love. I thought maybe they could capture something else. Picture copyright free from Pixabay.
Gold cherry
Story of the week

Sweet Contemplation (Part 1 of 2) (IP)

We’ll never know why Dad went out to the vegetable garden. Maybe to see how the cabbages were doing, or to plan the next crop. Maybe just to think. He used to say that being out among living things just quietly growing was a good exercise in contemplation.

Sweet Contemplation (Part 2 of 2) (IP)

I knew what Ben had been thinking. He was thinking it was his job now, his inheritance. I hadn’t gone near the vegetable garden after the night I saw Mum.
Gold cherry
Story of the week

As You Wish

If your life is unbearable, what do you wish for? Rewrite of something posted in response to an IP nine years ago. Old IPs never die, they just get much needed edits...