Justin's Poems


Gold cherry


dream merges with room i look at the clock 4am fragments of dream & this time i’ve seen so many provoked are death problems past failures i...

Dry Golden

(This is one of the few old poems of mine I still have, maybe 2008, not sure. All the others were lost) Far away I remember the fields, Dry golden,...


there’s another island i see it from my window as i drive a place i could be away from it all maybe a little boat to get there maybe it would be...

it was a unique development

it was a unique development but a node of vigorous admiration the comment was that war is only a slot for a magazine childish games but big assertive...

let there be cake

the sun is falling below the gravestone, he made 83 when I was two i expect the sun is falling everywhere and none of it means a thing stones words...

pinned to the trees

(I've been expeimenting with surreal/beat style poetry for a bit, but I seem to be better at confessional poetry. This is an example of my surreal...


(I self-published a book of 201 poems and this was the titile poem, written March 2020, before the world went mad) i find a wilderness walk the size...

the drive back

we’re half way home an hour left to drive the car is old and the steering is vague a wheel bearing is noisy, the headlights are dim we have finished...

the house with a collapsing roof

the house with a collapsing roof stands over the landscape, human inhabitants are long gone, that view from the empty windows, is seen by no one,...

The Train Rattled

(This is the oldest poem I still have a copy of, maybe 2008, all previous poems are lost) The train rattled through the golden green countryside The...

Though the kingfishers looked

Though the kingfishers looked So beautiful; specks of shocking blue Against the dead green and dark water. They chased each other like in love -- And...


(This poem is based upon my experience in Ecuador 2011) Sweat bees cling to our faces and get in our ears as we cut large leaves to sit on placed...

Death on a tricycle

They didn’t realise as they gave me the bumps that I desperately needed a shit The resulting fall changed my life We opened the café on New Years Eve...

Pound for the guy

listening to the tutor talk about Pound and wet black boughs I think of Yoda levitating at the South Bank (2016)

i had a long go

i had a long go at poems that don’t make sense fireworks poems but poems with hidden meanings but i find confessional style poems work best (this is...

wyndpharms are stupid

for the last time, there was another time with handles to the here, & now, one day there will be more than viruses man made or monkeys/esoteric...

there is little worth noting

there is little worth noting i’m by the river very little happens so much is past so much is pointless the words don’t say it the words are empty...

No shit Sherlock

No shit Sherlock, find an easy way, Sherlock, mist in the valley, legal way, break your bank, Sherlock, molock, lockness, lock up your daughters,...


gone are the days of sunshine and living now i wait in the queue for infinite time and space old man death Footnote: I am also a musician, this is a...

i always look at the sky

as a kid i always looked at the sky didn’t we all? those shapes that could be made into anything once i wanted to be up there too in that blue i...

looking at the world with a man

looking at the world with a man’s eyes is wrong according to my writing teacher don’t mention boobs don’t mention nudie bits let’s mention willies...

Borrowed lines

This was a poem specifically written for a book we had to make for my BA in writing. Was written in 2017 and was very much a snapshot of my life then. I suppose the style is confessional. The book was rather pointless but the writting for the degree was ok.

Straight Outta Woolwich

This was a re-visit to my non-fiction of Caffeinated in Woolwich you and I walk out to the Thames bank the coffee shop had pumped us with caffeine...