Power Sabotaged : A New Life For Sheila

Sheila and the western nations are turned upside down by muslim fundamentalist terror attacks upon the power and distribution networks of the nations. The attacks cause chaos, and force ordinary people and their governments to find new ways of coping with life.

Power Sabotaged : Part 5 : Meeting Bob Again

Sheila swallows her pride and walks at night to take up Bob's offer of food for companionship.

Power Sabotaged : Part 1 : The Power Cut

Sheila was watching her favourite soap opera,in which 2 characters tried in turn to find love. The TV power was cut and the scene disappeared...

Power Sabotaged : A New Life For Sheila : Part 2 : Heavengate

Sheila walks to the shopping centre to try to find some foodstocks after power cut destroys distribution systems.

Power Sabotaged : Part 3 : Sheila Learns More About The Crisis

Sheila meets a man on her return from her quest to find food, who imparts some news and makes an offer.

Power Sabotaged : Chapter 4 : At Home With No Television And No Food

Sheila finds life at home with no electricity and dwindling food supplies difficult. Old lazy habits are hard to overcome.

Power Sabotaged : Part 6 : New Horizons

Sheila becomes familiar with her new lover and begins to look for new adventures.

Power Sabotaged : Part 7 : Sheila's Brave Adventure

Sheila satisfies her lusts and earns food on the streets of terrorist hit Britain