Silver Spun Sand Stories

Various short stories

The Purple Scarf

And all the while, the incessant sun, stared mockingly down at her - in all its motionless orange-red splendour from the top of the mountain - seeming to loom ever- large over her helpless body. (edited)

"It's Good to Talk"

(Re-edit 05/03/2011) "We never really had the time to say goodbye, not properly, and that’s what was so hard to take.

"Let's Start Again"

A fine-tune of an oldie.

'Love Me Do' (I.P.)

(Edit) There we were - my sister’s boyfriend and me; and Monday’s washing, flapping on the line...

'The Gentle Giant'

I’d not realised before how tall he was – six feet four, at least.

'The Road Less Travelled'

“It’s not all bad news; your condition is not life-shortening...There’s certain to be a cure in the next ten years, or so...”

(I.P.) At the Top of the Hill...

It is this hill which keeps me sane...I come up here to write.

A Day Like Any Other (IP)

As usual, am woken at 5.00 a.m. by an earthmoving experience...

Angels Don't Bite their Nails

It hit Julie like a sledge-hammer when her elder sister eventually lost a long-fought battle against cancer
Story of the week

Fireworks in the Snow

The story of one remarkable lady.

To Glimpse a Butterfly

She didn't look that old; not like everyone else there...

Letting Go

“Happy Mother’s day!” she says, standing in the front-porch. “These are for you,” thrusting two balloons in my hand, tied with ribbons ...

Sons and Mothers

IP. Based on a true story. You are what you eat, but some people are what they wear.

This Side Up

One year on, and the hospice in which my daughter was so wonderfully cared for, asked me to write a short for their magazine ...

The Music in Me (I.P.)

Approximately 112 song titles, plus a few lyrics. Have attached discography for all interested ;-)

Waiting for the Thaw

They tell me guilt is normal...when things like this happen.

Grace and Favours

Meal-times were never quite the same convivial affair though, after we were rehoused in the October of nineteen-fifty-eight.

The Application of the Mask (I.P.)

Painstakingly, technicians crafted a tailor-made mask – precise to every last curve and contour...

Two Husbands and a Lover

(Edit) If there truly was a 'god' up there somewhere, why was he putting her through this hell?

Never Can Say Goodbye

(Edit 19/01/2011) "Whenever you look up, there I shall be and whenever I look up, there will be you.’ Gabriel’s resolve, “Far From the Madding Crowd”, Thomas Hardy

Hoping for the Best

You exchange a brief glance and it’s understood you both will sit it out,however long it takes.


Leaving the majority of streetlamps behind, she heads for open country, and glances up as bats flit here and there.

Never Look Down

(Edit 17/03/2011) “... and when they were up they were up and when they were down they were down...

Eddie Babe

Love may be blind, as they say, but it’s far from stupid.

Old Habits Die Hard

"And before you ask...yes, I have locked the back door and put the key under the flowerpot, for all it"

Gone Fishing

“I’ve often wondered what it would be like to be a fish...nothing else to do except watch us, watching them."

The Anticipated Stranger

(Edit) One last night in Mumbai...the monsoon having just arrived.

Drop-dead Gorgeous

No ordinary client, nor ordinary venue...although I had been there professionally on a couple of occasions in the past.

The Mouse Ran Up the Clock

Days such as today really fazed him...even bearing in mind this was Ashworth – one of England’s top three high security psychiatric hospitals.

You Know How it Is

You’re cruising along, quite nicely, thank you, and then she decides it’s time for the patter of tiny feet in the house.

Fireworks in the Snow - Five Years On

Five years on, and although it only seems like yesterday, life has moved on, as it always will.

Pretty in Pink

They said it might help some, if I talked to you, so I hope it’s OK. Pop was eighteen, Mom – sixteen, when they married, and I was three. Mom, little...

All in the April Evening

Middle Wallop used to be such a quiet little village...

Fergal's Wake (I.P.)

Just brushing your suit off, love; them undertakers have done a good job. I was going to say, ‘Hold still,’ but I guess I don’t have to.
Gold cherry

Terms of Endearment

You’re cruising along, quite nicely, thank you, and then she decides it’s time for the patter of tiny feet...

A Gambian Experience

It made me think about those small things in life we take for granted.

There are Days, and then there are Days

The day after the 'end of the world' was the last anyone ever saw of him.

Can't Stop the Music

The I.P. this week is to take a song title and go from there. Well, there are approximately 120 song titles here, plus a few lyrics for good measure. Discography attached, for anyone interested.

The Story of One Remarkable Lady

It’s not the dates that matter – it’s the space between them that counts. Andrea Parker MA 02.08.1968 – 31.12.2007

One Night Only (Part 2)

Never did like goodbyes, anyway, and we’ve already said ours; to the one person who really mattered.”

Surface Tension

"Goldfish only have a memory span of five seconds.” “A few – that’s true, but others can remember too much..."

Crystal Balls and Commas

True to form, an earthmoving experience wakes me at 5.00 a.m.; my husband re-launching himself into our bed after taking a pee. Getting in and out of...

No Angels

It was raining. Standing at the open French windows, a redolent wind blew a strand of hair across her cheek, and for a second she fancied there was a certain hint of Byzance in the air– Julie’s late sister’s signature perfume.

Angels Don't Dye...Do They?

No ordinary client, nor ordinary venue...although I had been there, professionally, on a couple of occasions in the past. Nothing quite like this though...

The Anticipated Stranger

His last night in Mumbai...eight o’clock, and he’d be on his way home...or so he told the barman on leaving, after a couple of drinks too many.

Breaking the Code

It was the summer of 1963. The Stones were in the all-important charts with Little Red Rooster. It was banned, by my dad, in our house. ‘Sexual undertones’, he reckoned.

The X Factor

"Well then, Mr and Mrs Daniels, I have the results of your tests in front of me, and the news is not good..."

La Fille Mal Gardee

Almost dark...most of the students, long gone...

Sons and Mothers

(This true story inspired by Poetry Monthly) 'We are what we eat', some might say, whilst others argue, 'We are what we wear'.

The Long Walk Home

(Inspired by Poetry Monthly) Eerie...the dimly lit alleyway, but it was quicker.

Breaking the Ice

You'll never believe this, but there's a tiny pond in our new was hidden by the shed...been so busy indoors since we moved in...

Sun, Moon, Stars and Rain

It's around lunchtime on Christmas Day, 2007, as we negotiate the maze of occasion I had been both dreading and looking forward to. She's smiling - sitting up in bed...resplendent in red, staying true to her star sign, Leo...

Fireworks in the Snow

(Repost)... 'it's not the dates that's the space in between that counts' In loving memory of Andrea Christine Parker MA - 02.08.1968 – 31.12.2007

Play, You...Play Me

Mmm...this is nice; a roaring log fire, my favourite tune. Unexpected, at the very, don't stop.

Exactly What is Parkinson's, Anyway?

To mark the start of Parkinson's Awareness Week