Tales of Kali, the canine wizard

Collection of all the stories I've written so far about Kali the wizard, Minerva the owl and her other animal friends

Kali 2: Kali and The Bodril (Deleted Stories)

It was a sunny Spring day and Kali the Border Collie was in the old ivy covered Wizard’s house, her collie nose buried in one of the late Wizard’s...

Kali 3 - Kali and the Lion

One bright, sunny afternoon Kali was walking through the forest, picking ingredients for a magical potion she was thinking of trying out when she...

Kali 1 - (A Children’s Story Based On An Old Family Pet)

Deep in a forest of emerald green; in a little, ivy covered, stone cottage that had once belonged to an old but very powerful wizard, lived a dog named Kali; a border collie with a shiny coat of black

Kali 4 - Kali and The Fountain Of Youth

Kali looked again at the strange, crumpled note and what was written upon it. Earlier that day, outside the wizard’s house, she had found a human...

Kali 5 - Kali and the Potion

“Eye of Newt?”, asked Kali, looking down at the list of ingredients that Minerva the owl had written for her and looking glum, “Toe of Frog? Do I...

Kali 6 – Kali learns to fly

One bright summer day Kali was out in a field of flowers, running about and playing fetch with her friendly flying broomstick, Woodward. Minerva the...

Kali 7 - Kali and The Broken Wand

“I need your help, Kali”, said the Black Cat sitting upon the old Rocking chair in Kali’s cottage, holding a broken wand in its paws. “My help”, said...

Kali 8 – Kali and The Witch’s Revenge

“How on Earth did you manage to get your head stuck in a jar, Bertram?”, asked Kali, tugging at the glass jar in which the little bear cubs head had...

Kali 9 - Kali and The Wonderberry Pie

One day, Kali the canine wizard was in the old wizards cottage with her friends, Loki and Minerva. She had conjured up a delicious Wonderberry pie...