What was I thinking! they sounded so good in my head.

Seemed so right at the time.



Absolute Beginner

Just for fun

I remember you

some things are best forgotten

I.P .O.W

far to many connecting words, 17 all I'll and It'S though..

Home help

"you can prune the roses,...


Inspired by that advert for history of the world,(radio 4 I believe), with that beautiful horse, only not nearly as good, (obviously, or I'd be famous!)

Life is....Edited

a dress rehearsal...

you have mail

Just say Hi

the week- ends

just a ramble..

Put a Tiger in your tank

If the title means nothing to you, ask someone older - much older-

If only

oh dear!

Edvard Munch has nothing on this

That painting, you know the one...