Am quite interested how you are going to use censorship Tyler, are you going to read with your eyes shut perhaps? ( a trick I could do with learning before the end of September.)
You're not quite getting it little dude. You may start a thread/topic on a forum, but merely because you created it, does not allow you the gift of telling people what they can or cannot say. As Liana said, as far as anyone can see, no one has been offensive to you, so lord only knows why you chose to start a thread telling people not to be. People say stuff. On here, on the internet, in life. You just have to deal with it. No one makes you come here.
Has anyone asked why he's asked people not to swear?
It crosses my mind that maybe the reason why Tyler made this request is so that he can access threads he's started when he's at work/school/etc? Some places are very, very hot on blocking pages that are deemed offensive or pornagraphic.
Maybe the poor bloke never gets to see the answers to threads he starts because of some ripe language?
In which case he won't see this I suppose.
Mark Brown, Editor,
"Please watch your language when you reply to my forums. I take it as offensive. Censorship may be used."
He clearly said that the reason is that he finds it offensive, nowt to do with being blocked. Even if that was the case, are you asking that we all moderate our language/content/themes, to satisfy other peoples filtering policies? Censorship by proxy?
There has to be a 'more tea, vicar' joke in here somewhere.
Did I spell vicar correctly?
More to the point, some people would characterize 'Texas' as a swear word, so I'm not sure this is heading in a useful direction.
"Even a toothpick casts a long shadow in the setting sun."
--the Justyn Thyme Principle of Something Important (taking suggestions as to what, though)
Feature this Sarge, it's a kernel not a bug.
The lad's only 14 and lives in redneck land so I can understand his concern. But this is a British-based site and we don't go in for burning books and censorship. Not yet, anyway
REDNECK LAND? THAT EVEN OFFENDS ME MORE THAN THE CURSING! Well, I am sorry for wasting your time on this thread. If you would like to curse, please do so. I'll have to deal with it
"Is it accesible in the States?"
If you mean the link I left for you, then yes. It's a site specifically for young writers and may suit your needs more than here (not that you're not welcome here). Give it a go and see what you think.
no, go on Nikaya, make it a threat, go on, please you big mafia scary killing machine.... oh hang on, that wasn't a request for a threat.. WINK.
How utterly pathetic. you write like a moron and threaten like a cotton bud in a romper suit behind bullet proof glass you arse headed loser.
ANYWHO- he didn't ask nicely he TOLD ("I forgot to tell you")
and then threatened , sans wink, ( "censorship may be used")
I would actively encourage younger people to join in this site as long as it's not all texttalk bollox about Mcfly. But they need ti understand they are entering a world of adult intercourse.
I was brought up in a puib and would spend many happy hours in the 'vaults' playing darts and being one of the lads even though I was only eight or so. My father would never let people swear in front of my sisters or myself if we were out in public but, there in the pub vaults I was made to understand that it was a grown up place and the people there would speak in a certain way.
It was an education that I'll always treasure and the grwon ups did curb their language a little around me but I had no right to tell them to do it because I was in their world.
"I would actively encourage younger people to join in this site as long as it's not all texttalk bollox about Mcfly. But they need to understand they are entering a world of adult intercourse."
Oh, I don't think they'll be too overcome with shock.
So, tell us Tyler , is Texas not Redneck Land? My brother and sister in law live in Houston and they tell me it's just full of rednecks - they've even banned me from going over to see them there as they say I'll get into a fight every time I leave the house.
We meet up in New York instead!
They've had to live there for the past twelve years - only one more to go then they can leave - and they just can't wait!
Now I can't knock Texas as I've never been there and probably never will. It comes very low down on the list of places I would like to visit. So tell us what's so great about Texas. Why should th rest of the world want to live in Texas? I am genuinely interested in its plus points.
So, tell us Tyler , is Texas not Redneck Land? My brother and sister in law live in Houston and they tell me it's just full of rednecks - they've even banned me from going over to see them there as they say I'll get into a fight every time I leave the house.
We meet up in New York instead!
They've had to live there for the past twelve years - only one more to go then they can leave - and they just can't wait!
Now I can't knock Texas as I've never been there and probably never will. It comes very low down on the list of places I would like to visit. So tell us what's so great about Texas. Why should th rest of the world want to live in Texas? I am genuinely interested in its plus points.
Neil the Auditor. People were publicly book burning in Bradford in1989. Admittedly it Was The Colonic Nurses by Solomon Rusty. But I grew up with Rednecks and I can spot one at forty paces. Mind you he has said maybe I'll have to get used to it, coarse language that is. Nickersayana: There is a very threatening tone in 'or else I will have to use censorship.' Ve haff vays of making you talk etc.. If you don't like the 'richness' of the language employed on this site, Tyler, piss off. Have you never watched The Sopranos? Possibly the best crime show that's ever been on Television; because of the swearing.
Perhaps you should qualify the properties you believe make up a redneck? It would be interesting to see if you have a stereotypical view of some image that in truth doesn't really exist. No looking it up on Wikopedia neither.
I would bet that in truth, the qualities you attribute to rednecks could be found in any culture, yours included.
It's not a's a feature.
OK - a redneck to me is someone with blinkered vision, who believes that their way of life is the only acceptable one. He/she has a small town/small mind attiitude towards anything that is unfamiliar to them. They are normally are of limited intelligence and experience of life. They prefer to use violence to debate.
Sounds like the Taliban, doesn't it?
Of course there are deeply conservative morons everywhere - it would just seem that there are more of them in Texas than elsewhere (Austin excepted) but maybe you can tell me that I'm wrong.
It's not a's a feature.
Tyler King
It's not a's a feature.
Tyler King
Tyler King
Tyler King
Tyler King
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It's not a's a feature.
Tyler King
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It's not a's a feature.
Tyler King
Tyler King