Word of advice

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Word of advice

here's some advice for those who don't live in the U.S.
If you want to know what life here in America is, watch the movie Forrest Gump (If they have it in other countries). Sorry if I was implying that the U.S. is the better country. I really am not :o)

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Run, Forrest run...
As far as I recall the movie Forrest Gump was long, over-hyped, intelectually vapid, and kinda dull. Is that what life in US is like then?


For some folks. It's not a bug...it's a feature.

It's not a bug...it's a feature.

What's the lesson from "Forrest Gump" then - that in America stupidity's an asset as long as it's grounded in morality? In which case, I'd picked that up from real life.
Now there's a thread - which film would you choose to represent which country. One as truth, one as cliche.
Leave the guy alone he's a youngster. Tyler how can I explain that summer camp over here means something very different. But if you ever do visit I'll take you on to Hampstead Heath.


lol :o)

Tyler King

Isn' t Hampstead Heath a haunt for homosexuals?


Im heterosexual, thank you very much

Tyler King

Im heterosexual, thank you very much

Tyler King

don't thank me, I had nothing to do with it.


ha ha, just had to say this post made me laugh!

Tyler King

I'm homophobic: I hate going home to Gospel Oak. It sounds so bucolic and verdant. IT AIN'T!! See my poem Gospel Bloke. Oh Missi there is one area that is popular with homesexuals, I'll show you one day if you like. Har de har!


I've noticed a fear of homophobia in society. What would this be called? Homphobiaphobia? Bi-Homophobia? Dueling Banjos? It's not a bug...it's a feature.

It's not a bug...it's a feature.

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