What is talent?

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What is talent?

Thought I'd just share some words from Stephen King on the definition of talent...

For the purposes of the beginning writer, talent may as well be defined as eventual success - publication and money. If you wrote something for which someone sent you a check, if you cashed the check and it didn't bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented.


People who are published steadily and are paid for what they are writing may be either saints or trollops, but they are clearly reaching a great many someones who want what they have. Ergo, they are communicating. Ergo, they are talented.

(from the first 'Link' on www.tontopress.co.uk )

Eeeek!! Does this mean most of us here aren't 'talented'?

Let the debate commence!!


(PS. actually, the 'proper' link for the article is http://www.msu.edu/~jdowell/135/King_Everything.html )

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

hey, not sure if you read the tail end of the other thread. many apologies if it was at all offensive. Spack and I were very drunk, there is no excuse. we were only taking the piss. Sorry. Span x
What thread?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I think it's too stupid an argument to even merit a response.
So why did you then?


To tell us it's a stupid argument, I expect... :-/

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Well, let's say that I was responding to Pepsoid's question, rather than the argument. Maybe I should have said, "It's too stupid an argument to merit a counter-argument."
Jack, I know, but it always cracks me up when people say something like that. Pepsoid, do you have a degree in Stating The Bleeding Obvious? :-)


Stormy... First Class Honours! :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

So erm... Just to rewind a bit... I still don't know which thread span was talking about! *** confused *** :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

'An Editor's View of Undiscovered Talent' is the thread in question. Yes, indeed, 'This doesn't merit a response' is a humorously self-defeating stance.
Jack... you mean span's 'Six reasons for being talented'...? Why would that offend me? :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Was not meant to offensive. And for the record it was Spack too. We were pissed and egging each other on. I was apologising in advance in case anyone thought we meant it or got offended. Span x
Oh, I thought you meant it was directed at me... and I was confused!!... Now less so... :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

no no, not directed at anyone. We are both nice really. Spanx
Anyway, the point is, I didn't find it offensive, even if it wasn't directed at me... So you are both forgiven!... by me, anyway... ;-) :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

man, i'm totally bummed, when i clicked on this i thought i was going to read some heated comments about selling out, buying in, gaurding creaticity and art, artist trying to stay true to themselves and some stuff about how KING is a rich capitolistic hog trying to defend the fact that he is a sell out who writes for money instead of art and lost his soul to his publishers all mighty dollar. But instead i got a bunch of strange comments about offending people who weren't offened. oh well...
I think the majority of reponses to this thread so far are evidence enough of a lack of talent. It's a pointless question followed by pointless replies (including this one).


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