The Mighty Boosh
Wed, 2006-02-08 10:09
The Mighty Boosh
How groovy is this?!
Recorded it t'other night & watched it yesterday, & it has changed my life. Well it was funny, anyway. Anyone else seen it? I believe it used to be a radio show, then went to BBC3, then was on Monday night at 11.20pm on BBC2. It's some crazy shit, man! Like something straight out of the seventies: big hair with doors in, spangly suits, a guru with a gorilla familiar, 'searching for the new sound' and the classic line of all time...
Daltrey doesn't hoover for no one!
...Like far out, dudes!
*** pepsoid ***
I love the Boosh. My favourite line from the other night:
The celibate mysoginist priest upon being offered free love by a scantily clad lady:
"Put away those fiery biscuits!"
I've been a fan for a while, the first series was also superb, set in a zoo. his series is in different locations and has more of a surreal storytelling element o it.
My favourite episode is the one on a dcesert island and a certain coconut called 'milky joe'. some great lines and some creepyness. plenty of atmosphere and feeling that they just start an idea and let it ride.
Of course it doesn't always work, I've seen the one with the long hair and weird face (Noel Fielding) literally booed off stage twice for experimental stand up but then he was nominated for a perrier award and can be bloody funny if he hits the right buttons.
I suggest everyone watch the Boosh as soon as possible, it makes monty pyhon look like Terry and June.
yep, love it
it started on radio 4 you know, all the best comedies do