Fuselit (not Fuseli)

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Fuselit (not Fuseli)

Have just uploaded a website. It's for a writing magazine that several ABCTalers have already been writing good pieces for (including Spack, Span, Bobblehat and mcmanananana).

The site *will* be fuselit.co.uk, but due to technical issues, it's temporarily situated here. Do have a look.

(ps. I'm not exactly shit-hot at website design, so apologies for the total reliance on frames and flash)
Fuselit is a great great thing. You would all love it!
Anonymous's picture
Is it poetry only? It suggests prose also, but in the guidelines for submissions only refers to poets. I'd buy it if it has prose too. Enzo.. www.thedevilbetweenus.com
Anonymous's picture
Saying that, I'll buy it anyway to support your whole thing, Jack, but I'll be really into it if it has prose too... Enzo.. www.thedevilbetweenus.com
Hey Enzo, FuseLit's poetry, prose, artwork, scriptwriting, or any hybrid of the above. At the moment, most of our contributors have sent poetry, so prose would be very welcome. Word limit for prose is about 1000 words. Script limit is about 10 pages in 12 point font. Poetry has no official limit, but within reason. No epics please. Artwork has no bounds, but black and white for now is probably preferable. Word at moment is Rogue, as the website'll tell you, so if you feel thunderstruck with inspiration, do send us some scribblings at fuselitmag@yahoo.co.uk or join the mailing list at the same address (easy to unsubscribe) for updates etc. Contributors get a free copy of their issue. Thanks again and hope to see your roguings! K x "I have a room for life at the Home for the Chronically Groovy."

"I have a room for life at the Home for the Chronically Groovy."

Thanks for the feedback! Need to make some edits to the site....
Very nice Jon. I'm pleased that you've been rejecting that blasted Seamus Heaney. I woke up this morning to find him in my bed, trying to fellate me as a way to get an "in" with the editors at FuseLit - I told him to eff off. Joe
site looks good brighteyes and jon, and reminds me I haven't submitted a rogue yet...
Ooh, yes. Rogue us on up please! "I have a room for life at the Home for the Chronically Groovy."

"I have a room for life at the Home for the Chronically Groovy."

Yo, just to let you know, it's now at fuselit.co.uk - easier to remember. Also, I've cleared up a glitch whereby the sample poems weren't showing up to Internet Explorer users. When I say 'cleared up a glitch', I mean, of course, 'corrected a stupid mistake I made in the coding'.
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