Generational Rangingness of Taste
Yo! Experiment time.
There's another writer's site I'm using at the moment, and a difference in the age range of the people who use it. Naturally, both ABC and the other site cater for more than one generation, but I would say here that most people are thirties to forties, with a few twenties and a few older. On the other site, I'd say early to mid twenties is by far the dominant agegroup, followed by people in their late teens, and with a few in their thirties or older.
I wondered if there were, therefore, any rifts in the kind of writing that's most popular on either site. Again, there is quite a range of tastes, but there are a few writers there, as there are here, that tend to be regarded highly by the majority of the people that use the site. I'm including myself here among the admirers, rather than the writers, so I'm not talking about anyone I don't think is good.
What I've already done (perhaps to the horror of ABC users!) is provide links on the other site's forum to some of the writers here, to see what the regular users there think. I'd like to do the same here, with writers from that site.
I don't know why I haven't named the site yet, seeing as you'll be able to find out by following the links, but here be the links in question:
So if you have the time, give them a read!
There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -
There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -