Paper cuts

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Paper cuts

THE Ferg put up a thread some months ago about the major life sacrifices she had made for her Art.

I cannot be bothered to find it.

And anyway, this is a little different. I'm not interested in the big upheavals, but the small inconveniences that you find in day-to-day life, as a result of writing.

Here are mine:

1. Lapburn.

Ever sat with a laptop literally on your lap for an extended period? Then you too may have suffered from 'lapburn'. I nearly rushed myself to A&E thinking I'd developed some fast-acting VD yesterday, but it turned out to be heatrash. A friend told me today that laptops near the testes can be very bad for fertility, too. I said, "It's probably not as bad as the 30 cigs a day", but that's beside the point.

2. What an eyesore!

My eyesight is now appalling. I can't see more than 10 feet properly. I'm too vain to wear glasses too. One has to work with what one has in the looks business, and I don't have much as it is. Have you tried getting glasses that can suit a face like mine? Impossible, I tell you. Contacts?! Poking my eye? Are you joking?

3. Tune in/out

Despite the fact I am hardly (a) prolific or (b) particularly good at this writing lark, I find myself inspired to write whole stories from little comments I hear all too frequently. A casual remark by a friend or well-wisher will wrap itslef up in my little but overcrowded brain and remain knotted there for up to thirty seconds (as long as my MTV-generation attention span lasts). The effect: People saying, "Ben...Ben! Are you listening? Are you okay? What's up? No, come on tell me..." etc.

Any of you have any similar issues?

I hate it when the coffee pot is empty. Visit me

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Not much, although for some reason I now seem to have to carry a notebook and pen with me everywhere I go, which is sometimes inconvenient.


1. One encounters so many fevered egos it actually shames one to be a writer, darling.
'THE Ferg put up a thread some months ago about the major life sacrifices she had made for her Art.' Am thinking of changing my name to THE Ferg. I could live in the garage, like The Fonz. With better hair. That top sentence makes me sound like a right knob. I hope that wasn't on purpose... a) I squint so much because of all my writing at the computer that people I worked with once bought me a visor to wear when at the computer. They said I looked too strange and strained and it put them off my work. The other day someone walked into the room and said, 'Why are you pulling that FACE?' The scary thing is I don't even know I'm doing it any more. b) I have a large callous on my the third finger of my right hand, right where my pen rests. It's like the top of my finger is prgenant. c) I, too, have laptop burn. A sort of warm feeling at the top of my thighs. I think that came out wrong.
put them of 'their' work. Not 'my'.
pregnant, not prgenant. Sheesh.
'Off' their work, Bridget. Sorry, Ferg, you just seemed so Bridget Jones for a moment there... ;O)
One of the clasps on my bag (a very manly bag, I hasten to add) is broken, so it flaps about and clicks, which is rather annoying. :-) * P * :-) ( Read my blog! - )

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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