PC vs Mac

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PC vs Mac

I'll need to get a new computer soon. The question is: PC or Mac?

I've been trained on PCs and have always used them. I've never used a Unix-based system at all. I'm not a gamer. The main applications I use are Word, Publisher and Corel Photo House (prefer it to Photo Shop). Plus, of course, the internet stuff: Outlook Express for e-mail and Firefox as a web browser.

People have told me that Macs are far more flexible than PCs, and will do everything I need and more. And then other people have told me they've tried Macs and not gotten on with them - finding Windows far easier to use.

I'd be grateful to hear anyone's views.


If you want to be a really groovy dude and impress your really groovy friends with how really groovy you are, go with the Mac. They have really groovy colors and you can probably find a really groovy cell phone to match it, along with your socks and maybe underwear. If you want to get a computer that gives you the most options for less money and stays within your knowledge base, go for the PC. You already know the answer though, you just want to see what really groovy people think before you drift into the world of the really groovy. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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Anonymous's picture
PC's are easier to use than Mac's - I don't think anyone can dispute that. It really depends on what's most important: Inexpense - go with a pc Ease of use - go with a pc Not making Gates any richer - go with a mac (though Steve isn't doing so bad himself) Mac's do have a more stable operating system, and last I check they were imune to most viruses, though I suspect this will change over time. I have both. I use both equally.
I have both. The mac is an absolute delight to use compared to the pc,but there is a lot more software for the pc (the only thing I really want but can't have is Picasa) and it's rotten value for money. Looks damn sexy though.


Thanks, guys. Bloody fool that I am, I bought my current PC just before they rolled out XP - so I got saddled with Windows Me. Anything's got to be more stable than that! The blue screen might as well be my screen saver, the amount of times I see it! The PC itself, though, is an Evesham. Brilliant machine it's been. I'd recommend Evesham to anyone (ain't got shares in 'em) So.... it's still precariously balanced between the two... (how easily do PCs and Macs talk to one another?)
Anonymous's picture
Keep in mind that Maddan is one of the more (if not the most) computer savvy members we have – at least that’s my impression - so of course a mac would pose no challenges. I've had a few - it's been a fun process.
If it's the operating system that's driving you, dump ME and load XP. I have several PC's (four in fact), and a mac, but I only use the mac when it's raining.


I would do that, Mississippi... but my thing needs so many upgrades now that I might as well go for a new one. Then, of course, Vista's being rolled out soon... I don't really like PCs at all. There's always too many of 'em at demos. And don't they look so young now.....
My girlfriend, a photographer, has just bought a Mac, which is presently being built in China, but should be with us in a week or so. People she has spoken to have said Macs are definitely the right choice for anyone wanting to do anything creative (photography, music, etc). Apparently they are generally more intuitive, stable & immune to viruses… and if the screen quality is important to you, the screens on the latest Imacs are absolutely gorgeous! Which is not just an aesthetic thing, but important if you spend hours a day looking at it. They have some good default software, so you won’t necessarily need to buy anything extra – including what looks like a pretty intuitive tool for building websites. And of course they look pretty and take up less room on/in/around your desk! Another thing… Windows can now apparently be run on Macs… which allows for more flexibility, but conversely means that more viruses are being written for Macs (so we’ve been told). What else? No, that’s all I can remember for now. I’ll let you know what it’s like when our (okay, “her”…!) Mac arrives… ~PEPS~ “Underlay is overrated."

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

standard sales pitch...peps... A mac is a computer just like a pc...the only difference is they cost more and look prettier. I've used macs since day 1, they have always posed more hurdles than solutions. Including art & photography & video and anything else. The monitor is moot, you can buy any monitor to suit your needs and put it on any type of computer you want. Hey...but being groovy is important. groovy=better don't be a cow, get out of the crowd, be your own person, show your independence...give us your money. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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Regarding hardware a mac is no better than anything else you can buy (except that it occasionally it looks better than anything else), but for complete packages within a price bracket they tend to lean towards higher quality (for a higher price). This is partiuarly noticeable with screens and laptop keyboards. Regarding operating systems, OSX is the only realistc way for a consumer to get a unix style OS (linux on the desktop is a joke, I use it at work and still end up doing most things through the command line). This is not so much of an advantage against XP as it was against previous MS operating systems, but it still doesn't have half the security vulnerabilities (or, if it doesn, they havent been discovered yet) and does all the spangly pretty things Vista will do and did most of them years ago. XP is pretty stable in my opinion, but it's not as good. I've crashed my mac twice in the year I've had it (both times the same problem). My XP box crashed that many times last week (once while just watching videos on youtube). Last weekend my flatmate (another geek) spent most of Sunday trying to reconfigure his XP laptop to work with the reconfigured wi-fi network. All I had to do on the mac was re-enter the passphrase. My mac can see my XP box ont eh network. My XP box can't see my mac because windows doesn't play nice with others. OSX (like most Linux distros) comes with a wealth of useful little utilities as standard, XP barely comes with text editor. I get bash and vim on the mac. Though most people won't care about that, I love 'em.


Another common misconception Maddan...Mac's are more reliable. Mac components aren't any more reliable than any other brand on average. They are all made by the same little people in the hollow tree. http://www.macintouch.com/reliability/pmg5.html Mac's are more reliable than what? I would say a Mac is more reliable than a Dell GX270, which I have experienced at 100% failure rates. Macs come with their own set of problems, and based on the report I linked above, I can say I've seen brands suffer from virtually no failures whereas the Mac G5's are reporting a 17% failure rate in the first year in general. Yet another misconception (more of a marketing and self gratification method) is that Mac's are immune to computer Virus. This is total bullshit. Macs aren't immune from anything and suffer from the same types of intrusion methods as any system. With a small share of the market and the great world-wide hate of Microsoft, Windows is the primary target you'll hear about. Mac virus's are out there and they are just as nasty. But...they sure look groovy and as we all know... groovy=good Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/

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You're right of course, but I didn't say it was more reliable, I said it was more stable, don't cofuse a software failure with a hardware failure. There is some strength in the argument that fewer viruses target OSX than Windows because the user base is so much lower. Whatever the reason, that's still fewer viruses. I've never had a virus on either machine so I don't consider that a big problem anyway. What bothers me is when computers crash and I loose work, it happens a lot less on OSX. OSX is built on BSD, a very robust operating system. Fun fact: at a black hat hacker conference this year a man demonstrated an exploit against the wi-fi card on a powerbook "we're using a mac,' he said, 'because all those smug mac users annoy us.' It later turned out that they had to alter the network driver on the mac to make the exploit work. Smug mac users everywhere got smugger. And groovy does = good. I get seen in public with this thing.


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