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It's strange but these seem to have dried up of late - and they are vital to the lifeblood of ABC. I have always been determined to keep this site free to its users so that everyone and anyone can have the chance to get their work published. However it does cost me personally a fair bit of money to keep it going and any assistance is invaluable.

If you can spare a bit then please click on the donations button and send it in - it really does help! If you can't then that's fine - use ABC and enjoy it!

Perhaps a revival of 'Friends Of ABCtales' would help, Tony.


I thought we were all friends on here! Seriously, what could a 'Friends' club offer do you think? What would you be willing to pay for?
Well the way I remember it, there wasn't a lot of advantages, other than I guess those that took part felt even more of a family because their names were 'up in lights' on the site. Perhaps it didn't raise much cash but it must have raised SOME.


And most people who donated did not want their names mentioned - I'm very happy to have a 'roll of honour' on the Front Page - I really am very grateful indeed to those who do so - I just want to get some donations in!
tony i would like to donate . can i donate by cheque ? and if that is poss who do i make out the cheque to ? and where do i send the cheque ??
That would be wonderful. Make the cheque payable to Burgeon Creative Ideas Ltd and send it to: Tony Cook Unit 3N Leroy House 436 Essex Road London N1 3QP I thank you kindly in advance!
I would like to thank those of you who have responded to this appeal - it's been very encouraging. If any others would like to follow suit....
If I remember rightly, at an event, it was announced that the good ship ABCTales was now a registered charity. If so, is there a system in place for you to recover the 28p of tax for every pound donated? I am always happy to give to abc but much happier if this also means clawing some extra back from the b*stard treasury. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


We do have a charity associated with ABCtales - the ABCtales Foundation - but that only runs the talecatching operation. For the day to day running of the site it's still dear old Burgeon Creative Ideas Ltd - and that's the bit that pays the bills and needs the support. Fear not, our losses are so great that the Treasury sees none of your cash - it just helps me to keep it going!
We need one more donation of £5 (or more!) to get us over the £50 mark so that I can get the money out of paypal and into the Burgeon account. Any generous feeling takers?
Thankyou very much to the person who did that (you know who you are). Why is is always the same ones who choose to contribute? I know that it is impossible for some of you - fair enough - but others who come here with great regularity and don't contribute at all financially, do seem to be getting a very good deal. Why not give your conscience a little scratch?
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