
Just stuff from my notebooks which I found interesting. Maybe someone else will, too!


The Future

Is that our future smacked out in front of the TV? Brawling in a pub car park? Driving dangerously in someone else’s car?

No Mystery

Nobody knowed why the chicken crossed the road And there’s no mystery in a plastic bottle The plastic bottle crossed the road Because the wind blowed.

My Routine

Tonight the moon’s what I’d call bright And I’d call this a cold night. This is whisky, this is ice. And I’m out in the garden. It’s nice. Looking at the moon.

Travel. Lodge.

I woke up in Manchester Dry of mouth in the Travel Lodge Someone’s fist had marked the toilet door And the wall near the entrance to my room. Not me, of course.

Hat Lover

Don't like hats when you are young Or God will make you bald like me When you grow up, you see. If you're still not stepping on the cracks You can relax

You Started It

Come to think of it You started it all Now what am I? Chopped meat? Stalled at the gate? incomplete?

Haiku, you ku, everybody loves haiku

The air in this place Like ashtrays soaked in stale beer This morning after. Ha ha I chuckle This haiku contains a lie Sixth of June Oh Six They can change your life,