Chewed up about the latest victims of American gun culture I wrote the following.I expect that I will be chewed up about it.The link is the mind set of the NRA that makes mass murder "a reasonable price" for freedom.That is the "freedom "to bear arms.The second amendment actually says the freedom to raise a milita not the right of the individual to bear arms.
Self restraint and altruism have been swamped by the needs of economic growth.I think we should talk about values again.
Self restraint and altruism need to be reintroduced into our thinking.We need to consume less
in every sense.There are too many of us living too close in urbanizations.We will have to
give up a few individual freedoms in order to live together peacefully.It is amazing that Americans
can contemplate banning/giving up smoking, but not guns.Our challenges currently in the UK
might be around mindless sexuality and alcohol.We could start by not advertising either to children.
Putting up the age limit on both makes sense.Teenagers need to spend more time with interested adults
who enjoy their company and who can introduce them to adult thinking.and behavior . We need to reintroduce manners
which were and still are ways of making others feel comfortable and unthreatened.We need to make eye contact,
queue,shake hands, and stand up as a teacher enters the room.We might even decide that eating in public
is not on.Starving before getting into a restaurant or ones home would be rare.Just think of all the litter and obesity
we might save.We can challenge the current laissez faire attitudes and we should .
~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~
The All New Pepsoid the Umpteenth!