Paris Hilton.

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Paris Hilton.

Paris Hilton in chokey? Why did this make me laugh hysterically and make mad rampant sex to my teddy bear? I see she's setting up a petition to have the sentence commuted. Can we start up a petition here to have the sentence at least doubled?

They need to let her go. If she can't publicly humiliate herself, we can't be entertained! She's a modern day court jester. Occupation: Foole. (Spelled the old English way, of course.)
The petition leaves a particularly bad taste in the mouth (an experience not uncommon to Hilton). See my blog (link below) for the alternative petition. is external)
Apparently she asked people to sihne (sic) her petition. So all that expensive education didn't help much, did it? 10 years and a public flogging if you ask me.
Now if I recall the Guardian article on this correctly, this was the third time she'd been stopped since the driving ban. The first time she got a ticket, A TICKET! over here she'd have been hauled up before the beak straight away. The second time she just got a verbal warning, and of course the third time is the one we all know about. I mean is she really that thick, or does she just not give a fuck?


To be realistic, mental capacity isn't high on the list of qualities needed by public entertainers. It's depressing, but it seems that idiocy has recently become an admired quality. God save us all...
Recently? So Chaplin's ability to fall over in all sorts of amusing ways was a sign of immense intellect? pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... ( is external))

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

His antics were MEANT to be funny. He intended for his actions to be percieved as funny. A more recent example: Rowan Atkinson, the British actor and comedian. He did a piece entitled "How to be funny". He explained why specific things were absolutely hilarious, then illustrated it. Humor does require some level of intelligence when it's something you set out to do. Paris is just a dumbass. Also, notice my choice of words: Recently, idiocy has become an ADMIRED quality. People have long laughed at idiots, but never really wanted to be like them untill recent times.
I think Charlie Chaplin was clever than Paris, although I think Paris is much funnier than Rowan Atkinson.


22,000 people have signed an e-petition to have the sentence annulled - but 44,000 have signed an alternative e-petition to have her sent to the slammer.


Couldn't really care less meself... :/ (Paris who...??) pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... ( is external))

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Anonymous's picture
*Humor does require some level of intelligence when it's something you set out to do* Exactly, Red. That is why Pepsoid fails with his every attempt :-)
*That is why Pepsoid fails with his every attempt :-)* Ouch... Pepsoid, that one had to sting. As we like to say in my school: YOU GOT BURNED! :D Ahem. I apologize for that. Ladies and gentlemen, goodnight.
Nothing Dumbo says stings... Dumbo is not real... :) pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... ( is external))

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Dumbo isn't real? b-but ... he can fly! *sniffs*


It seems she's had her sentence reduced by a half. A friend of mine who was caught driving whilst disqualified did three months in the slammer.


UK or USA? (Or anywhere else? After all, there ARE other countries...) is external)
Apparently she’s going to be in a separate wing reserved for celebrities and public officials. They have little red ropes for cell doors. ~ is external)
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