YouGov surveys

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YouGov surveys

I did this a little while ago and a few people joined up and enjoyed it - and it made a bit of money for ABCtales!

YouGov are a survey company - they only do online surveys and only contact you by email once you are signed up. They pay you to do their surveys - it tends to be 50p but can be more - and you know that your views are getting counted. I quite enjoy it so if you want to sign up then click this link here and my account will be 'referrer' credit for three months - all of which will go towards running ABCtales:

Don't feel obliged but it all helps!

i'm with them already, tantalising close to the £50 mark when they make their first payment
I joined for you, Tony, but I had to withdraw; they kept asking me things like 'Do you use Persil and read the Independent' (I didn't and I did), but I'm no longer in the country so nothing applies to me anymore. Tell them to make a State-side one and I'll join again! But the surveys are interesting and kind of fun to do, so I'd recommend them to anyone who hasn't given them a go yet. If it helps ABCtales, it's worth it.
Just joined up and done my first survey. I did something similar with another site a few years ago that used to pay you in high street vouchers and now pays you in Nectar points, but personally I find the cash more of an incentive. And the benefit to ABC Tales, of course...
Thankyou very much. AG - there is an American version - it gives you the link when you click on the link above.
I signed up :) Hated filling in my details. But guess Big Brother knows it all by now anyway!
apologies, signed-up a good while back, but haven't been keeping up. Will promise to get back on track shortly :-)) When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Also joined a while ago... keep religiously plugging away... I will confess, however, that I have to whiz as quickly and thoughtlessly as possible through those "How do you feel about these brands?" questions... Blah blah blah! I really honestly truly couldn't care less about particular brands! 99% of the time, anyway... Still, I'm letting them know that through my "Don't know/don't care"s (or whatever it is), so that's as worthwhile as taking the time to actually think about it... is it not? Anyway, other than this, for those those who haven't signed up, I join the cry... make money for ABC Tales! ;) pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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